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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Obama stops coal leases in US
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortHe said he'd run them out of business before he left.
RPLWe can thank him when we get our electrical bills in the future.....
Michael PondThey shut down the clean coal fired plant here and my electric bill has doubled!!
GortTVA Bull Run Steam Plant is 5 miles away. They have coal piled up higher than I've ever seen. They must be buying everything they can get.

There's at least 5 times more coal than normal. This photo shows what is normal.

This message has been edited by Gort on 01-15-2016 at 01:32 PM

bjprowlerAll of those West Virginia coal miners will probably move on to executive positions in their same hometowns.....

The good news is that while people are freezing to death and the unemployed coal miners are going hungry, at least they'll be breathing "EPA approved" fresh air.....

Me Time 2My electric comes from NG, no pain for me. That said Obama needs to keep his nose out of private industry, the market will control it on it's own.
Originally posted by Me Time 2:
My electric comes from NG, no pain for me. That said Obama needs to keep his nose out of private industry, the market will control it on it's own.

I heat and cook with NG. Lights,AC,electric. Nuclear powerhouses are located in east Tennessee plus many coalfired plants, it all goes into a grid.

mslc10here is that monkey looking muthertrucker......

explaining to you why his hand is in your pocket.....

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