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Topic:PIMPED-OUT Plymouth Prowler...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

Nancy and I just noticed he finally made the BIG TIME with his PIMPED-OUT Plymouth Prowler.

George's Kat is currently featured (8 color pages) in the OCT/NOV 2005 issue of Road & Track's ROAD GEAR Magazine...

Lookin' good George... next time you are by the office I will have you autograph my copy of the magazine for my Prowler memorabilia, now that you are famous!!!

We are all so proud of you and only wish your Kat could still go Prowlin' in Paradise... we miss having you on the road with us!!!

Best wishes, Jay

This message has been edited by YELLER CAT on 09-22-2005 at 06:07 PM

dpenaVery Cool George!!

Time to update your site!!


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Dale BeamanWOW - Cool!
cnote6Do you have any more pictures?
rraitethat is awesome!!
YELLER CATGeorge... where is your "promo" man???

Here is 1 of the 8 pages featuring George Maxey's PIMPED-OUT Plymouth Prowler.


GeneGeorge I have only seen pics. of your car and you deserve front page coverage.I know what it takes to bring a car to that point.Congratulation for a one of a kind vehicle.I know dealing with streetrods for many years that a project is never done.Whats next?
01ProwlerI talked to George earlier on the phone. He finally was able to hold a copy of that magazine in his hand for the first time this evening. He is currently in the process of moving from West Palm Beach to Orlando, so he may not be on for a few days.
jd2ksilverHave to admire the effort. From what I can see everything looks high quality. Not so sure of the door sag when open though. And no way in he$$ do I want a "Pimped out Prowler" But for going that direction looks really nice.


cnote6Went back with the Dunlops?

at one show you had BFGs


Originally posted by cnote6:
Went back with the Dunlops?

at one show you had BFGs

Cnote that photo shoot was done just before the Atlanta DUB show. George had Dunlops at that time. BFG picked him up right after that photo shoot.

It takes a long time to get the story/pics published after they do the shoot.

I'm glad he made the switch! The BFG guys are a great bunch of people, and have even offered me free tires too.

RADCAT RICHwell deserved!
Bob GoetzCongrats George!
Marty UsherCool George !! Congrats on the magaizine coverage.
George MaxeyThanks everyone for the "props". It's been a very long project and still not completed. It will be finished for SEMA! Hope to see some Prowler friends in Vegas. We'll be in the TSUNAMI display.

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01ProwlerI'll be there!

Arriving on 11-1 departing 11-4

DR PROWLERIt gives a whole new meaning to Totally Stock!
Very nice George!
cnote6See ya at the show!!!!


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01ProwlerCnote we're going to have to get into that party this year too!

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