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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Phoenix flooding pictures,,,,
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

^> Your Volvo will definitely float,,but not float indefinitely

^> when you realize you screwed up, thinking you could make it through...

^> when your 30 minute commute to work takes an hour and 45 to complete (Lethia found out)

^> NOT my house, but what my backyard looked like


^> You borrow your buddy's red, '88 Nissan Z to get to work,,,and later call him to ask if he has "full covered insurance"

^> Atleast they got the garbage can out to the street for trash pick-up

^> You just know if you follow that 4X4 pick-up truck,,,you'll make it!

^> When the canal system is full and backing up, the drainage comes right back up. No picture, but street MANHOLE COVERS were lifting up and out...can you imagine your front suspension dropping into those holes?

^> When all neigborhoods now have a 'community pool'....Guess these kids don't know that rattlesnakes get washed away and can swim?


^> So-Cal Phil,,,,,even though its muddy, it might have filled Lake Casitas back up to a normal water level....

^> When you find out the home builder didn't charge extra for 'water front lots'....

^> You reserved the Park's covered picnic area for your kid's afternoon, birthday party.... The boys wanted to play basketball after the hot dogs.....atleast they will be able to dunk the ball now!

^> "Where's my PROWLER?" Prediction if this storm were to hit the 2014 Smoky Mountain Prowler Event, in October...... You just know its going to rain during a Prowler event.

^> Its 8am,,,time for our morning walk... "hey dumbazz, where is your raincoat?"


^> The 'sand bags' did little good.....

^> Finally,,,the employees are allowed front row parking if they made it to work....

^> When it dawns on you that it would have been cheaper to 'call in sick today' Too late!

^> Come an get it Phil,,,,,this water is heading out to nowhere.....the empty desert where nothing exists...What a waste...

^> Volunteers needed to pick this up and dispose of....cacti do bite!

bjprowlerWhere's the pictures of the looting and burning?......Don't you folks know that now is the time to get a couple of free cases of booze and a flat screen? j/k

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 09-10-2014 at 08:27 AM

phil2237That's the sad part, the water gets wasted. We need the rain in Utah where Lake Powell is located. We need to start filling that end first. The rain in Lake Havasu actually flows back to the Lake. Heard the lake level is all the way up to normal. Doesn't do much good though as we need the large lakes that feed that lake to fill first.
Stay dry larry.
StingRayWOW, AC .... hope you and Lethia are fairing better than those photos, as well as our warm hearted and soft spoken Catfish too ... and any others out there impacted by this torrential rain and flooding!

^> Good thing the black 'n white was there,,,,many would try to make it across when the water is rising fast...

^> Phil ,,,I told you its heading out to no-where land......

^> A relative of Garysss,,,,,his Prowler has been called a "Turtle" many times,,,lol


Hope you are high and dry and get back to normal, but that wasn't nice to jinx the October event, you know it never rains in Tenn. in the fall

Randy CobbHope goes as well as it can for all those in Arizona.
ALLEY CATWildCat,,,,,since I can't make the October Prowler event,,,it probably will not rain

Actually,,,,I'm more concerned about 'newbies' not being able to recognize the main event planner,,,,Eddie Monahan They may need help figuring out who he is, and what he looks like..........

So here are a few clues for the event newbies to find Ed:

^> or look for the big, tall blonde, lol

ed monahanSo what is your point?

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