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Forum:Prowler Performance/Appearance Discussion
Topic:Pinstriping My Candy Red Kat
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CTProwlerI'm going to pinstripe my candy Red. Any Color suggestions, I want a thin double color stripe. Something that isn't too overdone.I was watching football last week and noticed the Washington Redskins uniforms which are maroon, had Gold and Yellow Trim? Not a bad combination. I don't want Black. Also any pics or suggestions where to actually place the stripes. Thanks Chuck

This message has been edited by CTProwler on 12-08-2002 at 04:31 PM

prwlynCT, you might look at a Silver metalic pinstripe.. Just a thought..

Fred J. Henkel
"My Kitty's bottle fed!"

Blue KatA Bright Red would be nice against the Candy Red. Kinda like the Bright Blue on the Mignight Blue Mulhollands.
Originally posted by CTProwler:
I'm going to pinstripe my candy Red. Any Color suggestions, I want a thin double color stripe. Something that isn't too overdone.I was watching football last week and noticed the Washington Redskins uniforms which are maroon, had Gold and Yellow Trim? Not a bad combonation. I don't want Black. Also any pics or suggestions where to actually place the stripes. Thanks Chuck

If you don't really want them to stand out then maroon/red would be the color. If you are wanting the stands ont some then the silver would look good.

If you want something DIFFERENT then the colors of the uniform would do that. I would try different shades of cream/tan. Ask your pinstriper what he thinks, but they do not always think the same as the owner. i wanted orange on mine and he didn't think it would look right. I love it.

look at Fred Henkel or Rich Wares cars in the scrape book. They have more then you are wanting but realy look good. I believe Freds is 3 m tape and Rich's is painted on.

Larry & Sue Mayes

ALLEY CATCTP - I'd support the silver accent stripe, or maybe a beige. I ran mine on the top side, about 1/2" up line on the hood edge and went all around. Came out real nice and since I used 3M adhesive pinstriping, can be removed at any time if I wanted to change. JMO
Good Luck


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prwlynAC, your right on about the advantage of the tape. While the painted stripes are the class way to go the tape looks good and my thought was "what if I change my mind?".. Plus tape as well as paint tends to fade and it is less expense to replace the tape.. In fact I'm looking at replacing mine with a Red metalic which 3M has.. Of course all my painted interior will have to be redone also.. I feel my testosterone level climbing!!

Fred J. Henkel
"My Kitty's bottle fed!"

JRLI agree,
I striped my '99 red with an orange stripe It's just barely noticable.
A red or maroon will look nice on a Candy Red.
CJI also have a Candy Red, but I honestly don't know what color I would choose for it if I was going to do pinstriping. Here are a couple of links to some pinstriping sites that at least might give you an idea of color combinations and you can also obtain samples.



Good luck with your project!!

CTProwlerlook at an early Christmas gift from my wife!....


Laddie RousselChuck.

I'd like a tangerine and gold for the two pin stripes on Candy Red. The tangerine would be a lil bold.


BeWareAm I seeing what I think I am seeing?
Black Tie 161A single black stripe would look kinda' cool....
Catwomanyes Rich
Marty Usher
Originally posted by BeWare:
Am I seeing what I think I am seeing?

what do you think you are seeing?

Laddie RousselChuck.

Here's pic of my cousin's new Dodge Diesel (this new cummins is really quiet now) with the tangerine, silver and gold graphics...

Again, I think the small double pin stirpes in tangerine and gold would look good. And you could always have some sort of design go up on the center of the trunk deck lid (fleur de lis)...

DublinOHMy Dad had a burgandy stripe on his candy red for a while, but the tape collected wax so he took it off. He'll probably have one painted on when he finds a striper at a show some day. It looked really nice, it had a kinda flip-flop effect. You could see it well in the sun, but it disappeared in the shade. Give it a try.

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