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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Poll: Hillary Clintons numbers worst since 2008, as GOP brand surges
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
By Aaron Blake
April 17 at 12:09 pm

A new poll shows former secretary of state Hillary Clinton's (D) numbers hitting their lowest point in six years.

Meanwhile, it finds that the Republican Party is experiencing something of a renaissance.

The Fox News poll, from Democratic pollster Anderson Robbins Research and GOP pollster Shaw & Company, shows Clinton's favorable rating dropping to 49 percent, compared to 45 percent unfavorable.

The last time her numbers were in that ballpark was during the 2008 Democratic presidential primary race. After she ended her campaign, her favorable/unfavorable split was 47/46.

Other polls have shown Clinton's numbers -- which were stellar during her time as secretary of state -- steadily dropping since she left her post last year.

The more surprising part of the Fox poll, though, might be how people view the Republican Party. It shows Americans are now evenly split -- 45 percent to 45 percent -- on the GOP. As recently as October, the same poll showed just 30 percent of Americans viewed the GOP favorably, compared to 63 percent unfavorable.

The poll actually shows the GOP's numbers are about the same as the Democratic Party, which has long been held in better regard.


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