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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Pray for my Chihuahua
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
GortWe got her at Christmas,she's sick..very sick.

She is suffering from Affluenza.


Affluenza, typically referred to as "rich bitch itch" or "silver spoon syndrome", is a contagious disorder usually resulting from living off the pay cheque and/or status of others.

Remember the rich kid who got drunk and crashed his car into four people and killed them? The judge bought the defense that he was suffering fron Affluenza. He was so spoiled and pampered that he didn't know right from wrong.

I think that's what our Chihuahua has. She can't be told right from wrong and is a problem to society.

They say she will grow another pound. She weighs 4 lbs now.

I dread the teen age years

We named her SASSY it seemed like the right thing to do at the time.

This message has been edited by Gort on 01-05-2016 at 08:14 AM

pumpkinVery cute. Is the color normal for type of dog


More 'Pumpkin' photos and Mod Stuff . . . . . . . Our other cars and stuff

"I may have to grow older, but I do not have to grow up!"

"The Prowler is not a car to go from Point A to Point B. The Prowler is the Point!"

bjprowlerLike many people, there are some things in life that I simply can't stand.....For me, it's a dog barking.....And Chihuahua's are among the biggest and most irritating offenders.....It seems that ANYTHING sets them off.

Barking is one of the most common problems reported by Chihuahua owners. While some of them may only bark when guests or family members come to the front door, others will bark at the television, vacuum cleaner, broom, radio and practically any other "foreign" object........That's why you'll never see one in my house....

xtreme prowlerI had a wonderful long haired Black Chihuahua... Bamy was a Trex is a 6 lbs body, my protector... snarl and bite but never enough to draw blood.... fearless little dog, I miss her so much
robinPretty dam cute......
One good thing about a Chihuahua is they can't stick there nose right in your crotch as you are greeted by a home owner.
Upon arriving at a friends house their bulldog who is a good dog always seems to sneak in there try to give you a big sniff then leaves a smear of dog spit right buy your zipper.
This makes it difficult to enter the room where everyone has gathered...lol

Just love her Gort 11 to 15 years is a short time....
OH by the way don't invite BJ over....dogs bark cats meow people express opinions.....robin

This message has been edited by robin on 01-05-2016 at 04:44 PM

robinTo answer Pumpkin..
No due to the Dogs owners Affluenza.
He got to choose the hair combination.

Like they said about Michael Jackson...
Only in America can a poor Black kid grow up to be a rich white woman...

Originally posted by robin:

OH by the way don't invite BJ over....dogs bark cats meow people express opinions.....robin

So, are you saying I'm not allowed to express an opinion?

....Or should I have consulted you first?

Landscape DoctorGort, buy yourself a male chihuahua, that might keep her busy.

Second thoughts, you might have double trouble.

All fun aside, I love animals, I have 2 cats no time for dogs. They both eat with my wife and I at the dinner table like kids. Enjoy her to the fullest, she will definitely become part of the family.

Originally posted by bjprowler:

So, are you saying I'm [B]not allowed to express an opinion?

....Or should I have consulted you first? [/B]

Just a little tongue n cheek humor BJ. You know we all love you deep down.

Landscape Doctor
Originally posted by silverkat:
Just a little tongue n cheek humor BJ. You know we all love you deep down.

I agree wholeheartedly.

Originally posted by pumpkin:
Very cute. Is the color normal for type of dog

"Chihuahuas come in virtually any color combination, from solid to marked or splashed,[14] allowing for colors from solid black to solid white, spotted, sabled, or a variety of other colors and patterns. Colors and patterns can combine and affect each other, resulting in a very high degree of variation. Common colors are fawn, red, cream, chocolate, brown, mixed, white, and black. No color or pattern is considered more valuable than another."

I've had white,tan,black,brown and blue over 68 years. The Blue chihuahuas are more expensive but seem to be much more tempermental than usual. When they get mad it takes awhile for them to cool down. Chihuahuas are a cross of dog and a fox. Very alert and nervous,they normally afraid of almost anything but will bite if they think they can get away with it. If you hold it and another person trys to pet it,it might bite. I've had one my entire life.

The above photo is a rare blue teacup chihuahua. $2000 dog

This message has been edited by Gort on 01-05-2016 at 04:29 PM

garysssI think you need a bigger box.LOL

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