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Topic:Prowl'n Little Egypt (Southern Illinois) Oct 19-21
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ScottyProwl’n Little Egypt (Southern Illinois)

Dates: October 19 – 21 Friday – Sunday

Hosts: Scotty and Terry Williams

Contact #: 618-218-1910

Hotel: Drury Inn, Mt Vernon, Illinois
To reserve online, go to: http://www.druryhotels.com/ , click on Book it Fast, then enter group number 2016068 and click “Reservations-click here”. Or you may call 1-800-325-0720 to make your individual group reservations. Please specify the Hotel location (Mount Vernon, Illinois) and reference your Group Name (POA).

The Drury Inn is located at 145 North 44th Street, Mount Vernon, Illinois 62864 and their direct phone number is 618-244-4550.

I have reserved 20 rooms … they only had 4 Kings available so if you want a king ($75.00) instead of a double queen ($77.00) book now. The Drury has a great continental breakfast and popcorn with soft drinks in the evening.

Reservations received after Wednesday, September 19, 2007 will be provided on a space-available basis at prevailing rates.


Check-in at hotel and then proceed to Scotty & Terry’s home at 1600 East Elm Street,West Frankfort, IL for a BBQ Rib dinner to be served at 7:00 PM. After dinner we will enjoy treats including butterscotch hot chocolate around the backyard fireplace.

Prowl the scenic by-ways of Little Egypt stopping at the riverfront at Golconda and the Bay City General Store. Lunch will be at the Cache River Basin Vineyard & Winery in Belknap. We will also stop at a local orchard for apple cobbler on our way to Pheasant Hollow Winery for a Murder Mystery dinner. The dinner is buffet style and usually includes two meats, five vegetables and your first glass of wine and will cost $35.00 + tax. I have 50 tickets on hold for this Murder Mystery with a September 22 cut off date. The tickets sell out early so if you are coming sign up soon so that if we need more tickets I might be able to get more.

Breakfast and good byes for those that need to leave and for those that have the time a little more prowl’n and lunch.

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