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Topic:Prowler Poll 11-25-02 Satellite Radio for Prowler
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
texasjrHowzit Guys and Gals!

I saw this week's poll and I though it was quite interesting!

I've had XM Satellite Radio since it came out last year and installed it in my previous vehicle. I've got the Sony XM "Plug and Play" unit which allows me to swap it between my daily driver and my Prowler. This way I only pay one subscription fee since I can only drive one car at a time!

My Installation:
I had the head unit installed in the small space under the dash and between the shifter. The installer used an FM modulator to go through the stock radio unit and "hard wired" an additional 12V outlet behind the dash to provide juice to the Sony power supply. The magnet mounted antennae (which complicated things a bit) is mounted on the trunk (with a non-marring sticker...since the magnet didn't stick) just behind the center-mounted brake light. It's a pretty slick/clean installation!

I'll post a few pics here before too long for anyone who's interested... Also, have a look at www.xmradio.com for more info.

Since I travel quite a bit all over the country satellite radio made sense for me.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!



F R (JR) Karbowski Jr
106 McLennan Oak
San Antonio, TX 78240
E-mail: texasjr@yahoo.com
Website: www.geocities.com/texasjr
1999 Red Plymouth Prowler w/ matching trailer
*XM Satellite Radio, Borla Exhaust and MTD Cold Air Intake*

This message has been edited by texasjr on 11-26-2002 at 01:07 PM

YELLER CATMy company represents both XM and Sirius Satellite Radio Systems as an Authorized Sales and Service Center. We have been selling and installing these ever since their introduction with nothing but praises for the concept.

Satellite Radio is simply FANTASTIC !!!

Both products are very, very competitive regarding pricing and the "deals" offered change frequently, so I cannot offer anything better than would be locally available.

What I can offer you is some unbiased information that you might desire being I am not trying to sell one system over the other. Please feel free to give me a call @ 800 669 3540.

Best wishes, Jay

PS... direct interface (no FM modulator) of both systems to the Prowler radio is being developed. There is a delay in this project... the required remote display as where to put conceal it.

Also, CHRYSLER is offering an AM/FM/CD/Sirius receiver for 2003, but it will not fit the Prowler without wiring and bezel modifications, which are both possible.

KalaThanks for the info JR and Jay...

I live in a valley that only gets one clear FM station. That is why Im really interested in the system.

A few questions...

Is it realistic to think one unit will go from car to home? Or is it a pain in the A**.

Also will the interior of my Kat have to be drilled?

Any problems hooking up to my home stereo which is a Bang & Olufsen?


Please give me a call tomorrow at 800-669-3540 and I can give you some info from personal experience that I think may help answer your questions.


Jay Harris

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