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Topic:Prowler Wins!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Bob GoetzOK this weekend I went to Ft.Dodge Iowa for the Cruisin the Woods show and or POA Host was Duane Hanson who also won again this year! They had 1200 cars and only give away 42 Awards and the Prowlers got one!. We had tons of people stop at our group and look at the cars. Rick ( R/T ) brought along people from the SCA ( Sports Car America ) and I hope Rick can add names to the pics. The first pic I am posting is of our HOST celebrating his victory early at the Drive In Movies the night before!

[img] http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/image_uploads/DDD/dictw2.jpg[/img]

< Click on my banner to go to realrod.com >

Bob GoetzRound 2

[img] http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/image_uploads/CCC/ctw66.jpg[/img]
DR PROWLERAlways nice to see the Prowler take awards.Congrats Duane Hanson!
As always,great time was had by everyone,I presume!
BeWareCongrats Duane.
ProwlerThanks! Saturday night was a blast. The host car club set up a Drive-In movie and showed Grease and American Grafitti, complete with fireworks. Just like the good ol' days (as you can see I enjoyed a few Miller Lite floats during the show). Bob, I have to hand it to you. You have a knack of getting just the right shots.

The weather was in the high 70s both days and, except for the hoards of ladybugs, was a perfect weekend for a cruise and show. Thanks to the POA members that came down from Minneapolis for the show we had 5 Kats on display. Judging by the number of people that stopped by our group, I would say we were one of the most popular groups there.

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