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Topic:Prowler bashing
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Mean Mesquite-oSo if you like Gas Monkey Garage on Facebook you will see they are selling a "new" Prowler (http://www.ebay.com/itm/291172823316?_trksid=p3984.m570.l4455&_trkparms=gh1g%3DI291172823316.N7.S1.M4.R1.TR2). Well that's not my point my point is the Facebook people are bashing the holly hell out of the Prowler. With the usual BS the Prowler hatters post. You know "only a V6" or "what an ugly POS" or "worst car ever".
Now I of course think they are just jealous but what is it do you think that make this car so polarizing? I just rarely see this much trash talk about a car.
enzvoymade it to

Ended: Jun 26, 2014 12:15:24 PDT
Current bid:US $30,100.00
[ 28 bids ]
not bad for a car a lot of people don't like ,what other car holds it's value like a Prowler

This message has been edited by enzvoy on 06-26-2014 at 02:27 PM

TerryThe Prowler is just one of those very few vehicles where you will have a passionate feeling upon seeing one. It just isn't one of those cars that doesn't draw attention. If you like cars, you can't be apathetic about the Prowler. You have an opinion, and probably a strong one.

Old School gearheads, who live and die around the V8, will almost always criticize the Prowler when they learn it has a V6. It's just the way it is. I don't question it or worry about it.

xtreme prowlerMost of the Vette guys don't like the attention we attract... Some of the Beamer guys don't appreciate it when their blonde girlfriends look at us.... the ricers don't like us cause they want to be like us but can't break away from the peer pressure.... Most of the old school guys are brand loyal and blind to anything that isn't 100% stock and good on gas... We are unique, proud and happy to drive our dreams... Social media gives every turd a tongue and they use it to get on other peoples nerves... In 10 years I have only heard one negative remark regarding the Prowler, Thats pretty good really..... JMO
alprowlOne time when I was stopped at a traffic light, in my Lotus Esprit, the guy in the lane next to me, tells me that Lambos are a POS... I laughed and told him it was a Lotus... He gave me the finger...

Jealous, petty morons...

EdsCatMy favorite quote of the year so far:

Social media gives every turd a tongue...

Some of the upper end sports cars do not like the attention the Prowler gets at all. No other car seems to stir people like the Cat does. I've had mine for 13 years, and it never changes. That is the true value of our Prowlers. They are classic, unique and with timeless appeal to little children, great grandmothers, and everyone in between.

We who have them know. Those who don't can't possibly know or understand. We know. That is all that's important.

ALLEY CATThose V8 lovers who make a negative V6 remark,,,,,I ask them how many V6 GT-R's they have beaten,,,or how many EVO's or WRX's four bangers they have raced.... That usually ends the conversation, lol
BeWareI have a Prowler T-Shirt that says it best.

Either You Get It or You Don't. Either Way Is Fine With Us.

DrillinUPeople grow up learning to hate. They are haters.

Ever see a child hate a prowler?
Never, they always point to it, smiling want to be around it.

They know beauty when they see it.

They haven't learn/taught to hate cars yet.

WildCatHad not had the car very long and was on the south side of Indy and pulled up to a light. A 40th anniversary Corvette pulls up and the guy ask what it is and before the light changed said " I thought I had a cool car till I pulled up next to you"

Was in Connersvilles Indiana to have dinner with Dave and Nancy Ridge and we parked in downtown, there was an older lady walking across the street and looking at the car. Dave and I were standing on the sidewalk talking and watching this lady until she tripped and fell down so dave and I rushed to help her up. She was ok just embarrassed.

Yes have had many negative comments due to the V6, but most like it and I tell them it is like driving a go cart with AC and great stereo.

Larry & Sue Mayes

reecheeIn my neck of the woods, Ferraris and other exotica never draw a second glance because they are so common but I always get thumbs up in the Prowler.

If money is speech why can't I pay my taxes with words?

ed monahanMy favorite occurrence was at Auburn, IN on Labor Day. Plenty of million dollar cars parked around the town square, Duesenbergs, Cords and Auburns.
I was parked one block away and at NO TIME while we ate lunch, did the line waiting to take their picture with the car ever evaporate. I was laughing about it at the time and it still amuses me to think about it.

What is a 99 Vette worth today? Does anyone even look at it as it drives past?

dskattA couple of Christmas Eve's ago we drove down to the lighting of the bonfires along the Mississippi River. Traffic was dead slow along the two lane river rd. clogged with cars and pedestrians. As we approached the center of the action we came to a stop next to a Mercedes Sl Roadster going the opposite direction. The look on the drivers face was priceless when he realized that his $100,000 car wasn't drawing the most attention.
stevedymoHope they got the lower ball joint fixed.

Mr ProwlerThe Prowler rule is very simple !

Ether you hate it very much and criticize the hell out of it,

Or you love it so much that you end up having 2 or 3 or even 4 in your garage !! It's the truth

JeraneWI have been asked, "Is that a kit car?; I say "yeah, nice job eh." and consider the source. In addition, I own a "girly" car that even some of you refer to it, a Miata!!!
RichiekatThose that criticize our Prowlers have usually NEVER driven one, know nothing of the car's heritage/technology, are jealous of the attention it gets as well the thumbs=up from most people. I say leave them to their ignorant ways. I love mine and that's all that matters.
Mean Mesquite-oWhile we are sharing stories I have a good friend and he happens to be an automotive engineer for Ford in Detroit, well when I opened the garage door and he laid eyes on my Prowler for the first time he said "oh you got a Prowler the mistake of Detroit" now as a friend I hit him hard in the arm and then I said lets take it for a spin and I let him drive. Well after just 10 minutes of all the waives and thumbs up and even the car next to use saying "hey nice car man!" I could see on his face that his mind had changed. Love my car! not for the attention it gets but because its what I think it was meant for just plain old fun!
catfishlets face it,they are jealous and would like to own one.


beachcatThere is a few bad rumors out there. There was a guy in my shop the other day and he said " I don't know why these things didn't sell well" lol. I said, are you serious? They all sold. It was a limited run from day 1. ( hope I'm right on that).
Originally posted by beachcat:
There is a few bad rumors out there. There was a guy in my shop the other day and he said " I don't know why these things didn't sell well" lol. I said, are you serious? They all sold. It was a limited run from day 1. ( hope I'm right on that).

When I was trying to buy mines in 2001, it was so hard, that the dealer said "you will have easier time getting a Corvette, than the Prowler"

TIGRKATI was at a busy section in downtown Calgary and I had six pedestrians stop and take pictures of the car.....The best one was when this beautiful gal and her boy friend walked in front of me and she said "I love your car but my boyfriend doesn't". I told her "as long as beautiful women like you love it I could care less what he think"s......he looked a little pissed after that remark....or was it jealousy?
WulffI've only been driving mine for a few weeks and the response has been nothing but positive.
Harley riders going by, giving the bike wave,kids yelling at their parents, "Hey,It's a Transformer!"
I got mine from the "Alberta barn find" and though my employer bought a couple other vehicles from the sale,even my employees say I got the best car. (I run a bodyshop so they are fairly jaded)

I haven't enjoyed the 45KM drive to work as much in 20 years as I do now so I checked my pockets,and I'm all out of give a ***** when it comes to liking my ride.

***Plus,it's been around 30 degrees Celsius for the last while here in Edmonton so I don't have to chip it out of my igloo garage every morning ***

GeezerGuess I don't really understand the haters.

I have owned cars up to 1000hp with Prochargers.
Several V8 Motorcycles up to 900hp.
Several drag cars up to 1100hp.

Enjoyed them all......

But at the age of 68 I admire the work of Chrysler with
the Prowler.. A one of a kind factory car. Is something to be admired.

Don't care what others think, I am in Love..


treybI'm tired of it too. I feel like aBroken record at times over the last 14 plus years. With the 100s of shows and events we been too I wish I had a tape recorder for playing back the story every time.
First it's the shock when they see this

They go no way is that real did you shoe horn that In there?
Then it goes they should have done that from the factory.
I walk them through the build book which starts with 12 years of being a v6
And really how fun and quick it was! Show how 1 of and custom this build is and how it was not easy to do with the size and design of the car.
I take them back to 1997 the Chrysler line up all of the game changing first of the prowler, how it compared to other cars of the time and What was advailable.
That there was no Hemi, that the v8 magnum was heavier and less hp and all of the transformational first of the prowler .

We broke the mold but use every chance (sometimes 100 plus people a day per show) to educate.

A typical day in the neighborhood celebrating and educating everything prowler

If we don't do it no body else will use every chance to show people on the outside it's story and beauty. Take them out and show them off!

This message has been edited by treyb on 07-10-2014 at 05:55 AM

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