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Topic:Prowler on the Top Gear Test Track
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
V-RodMy friend with a track prepared Viper usually supports the Children's Trust Supercar event at the Dunsfold Top Gear test track here in the UK. You take paying passengers around the track with all the proceeds going to the Childrens Trust charity supporting brain injured children.
He has often encouraged me to take my Prowler, I find it more than fast enough for road use but to attend a seriously fast supercar event on a track, I wasn't so sure.
Long story short, he sold his Viper, its a selective invite and he wanted to continue to support the event. Another friend with a Viper was also going, when the organisers knew I had a Prowler they asked if I could bring it along as they are so rare in the UK, saying the event is about the passenger experience rather than just the speed.

So the deed has just been done. I had a great time, so did my passengers and it raised money for a great charity. The Prowler went down really well, as always.
Managed to find a public video on youtube that proves it happened:

Fourth car out at 11 seconds:

Found another one showing some of the fantastic cars that were there:

Enjoy, you will see the Prowler is allowed to play with the big boys now and again.

Found some more:
This one shows the circuit, at 3 mins it shows the line of cars: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTxAmNpR3zU
Prowler goes past at 10 seconds and the Viper at 35: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zx6PH29En-4&list=LL69YIeN03Q8VZa8aPRJymhA&index=1
Cheers, Nick.

This message has been edited by V-Rod on 07-26-2016 at 04:37 PM

enzvoyvery cool
ed monahannice going.
Dave HaggasHi Nick, my brother phoned me as he saw you arrive. He was there with Lexus. I told him to come and find you and say hello. I guessed it was you. I would have been there but work got in the way again, I was at the Formula e race in central London.
BillyCGreat post, but . . . am I the only one that has a hugh photo on my screen?
I have to scroll and scroll to see the entire photo and post.
I've been told when this happens the photo is too big of a file??


stevedymoIs this better?

This message has been edited by stevedymo on 07-06-2016 at 07:17 AM

Originally posted by Dave Haggas:
Hi Nick, my brother phoned me as he saw you arrive. He was there with Lexus. I told him to come and find you and say hello. I guessed it was you. I would have been there but work got in the way again, I was at the Formula e race in central London.

Hi Dave, had a great time.

Spent most of the time on track or wandering around so apologies for not catching up with your brother, send him my regards.

Weather is good so will see what other events are on so we may be able to get together.

All the best, Nick.

Originally posted by stevedymo:
Is this better?

Thanks stevedymo, that is much better.
Cheers, Nick.

dskattWhat a fantastic event!
V-RodIt was a fantastic event, some very special cars there.

Found another video, Prowler on the track at 0:10 seconds and lining up at 6:45 - had lots of children passengers, this one can only just about see out!
Also has several clips of Neil's Viper as it is very photogenic. The other car that attracted a lot of attention was the blue Lexus LFA. Enjoy.

This message has been edited by V-Rod on 07-07-2016 at 05:46 PM

treybVrod did you take your prowler on as a straight pass? Any timing or just a fun fast sprint . Looks cool keep having fun with it

This message has been edited by treyb on 07-09-2016 at 08:16 PM

Originally posted by treyb:
Vrod did you take your prowler on as a straight pass? Any timing or just a fun fast sprint . Looks cool keep having fun with it

Trey, it was part of a charity event, public pay £30 for a ticket that is 3 laps of the circuit, it is shortened as the full top gear track is a figure of 8. All money to the Children's Charity so very safety focused. Not over 100 mph with adults, 70 mph with Children. The Prowler did well, was flat out a lot of the time, kept up well in most corners but the Ferrari's, Lambo's, Atoms etc were way quicker out the corners. Was just fast good fun. The Prowler had a lot of interest.
Cheers, Nick.

FastLaneWent to a Car Meet today.

Took my Ipad and gathered all the Corvette owners and put this video on. The look on their faces was priceless.

thank you for making this a great week

Originally posted by FastLane:
Went to a Car Meet today.

Took my Ipad and gathered all the Corvette owners and put this video on. The look on their faces was priceless.

thank you for making this a great week

Thanks FastLane, there was a Corvette at the event and he has also done a great video, the Prowler makes a quick 'being cleaned' appearance at 20 seconds!

Video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57iZd1FuEoE

Cheers, Nick.

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