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Topic:Prowler review on Marspeed
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
koolktyThis guy's Marspeed channel only talks about Chrysler cars. I've watched a lot of his videos before so I figured eventually he would talk about the Prowler, and today he finally did.


SimonsezExcellent. I saw a lot of familiar POA members cars. I thought it was an honest (like it or not) presentation.
padrooThat was a good video, thanks Pat.
ed monahanI agree that it is a pretty good video. The only thing that jumped out to me was the fact that he said 20 % were sold with a trailer. I thought it was less than 10 % and that was AFTER CJ got them to make another run. I could be wrong about that, of course.
401KATYall 3 must be getting old and not hearing....I played it back twice at the 15 min mark and its in print that FOR SOMEONE OVER 6 FOOT THEIR HEAD WOULD RUB THE CLOTH TOP WHEN IT WAS DOWN......WTF.....
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I agree that it is a pretty good video. The only thing that jumped out to me was the fact that he said 20 % were sold with a trailer. I thought it was less than 10 % and that was AFTER CJ got them to make another run. I could be wrong about that, of course.

Thinking 1,350 trailers made, so less than 20%

Not a bad video, but like others they should have an owner there to help with questions. Have to wonder if they knew how to adjust the seat down. If a 6' guy rubs his head seems there would be a lot of bald guys after long trips from rubbing their head. ..... Maybe that is why we have so many bald owners.

koolktyActually he did consult an owner, that would be Yuri. However Yuri is around 5'8". So he fits easily. I am 6' and I still have a couple inches to spare, but I have the seat at its lowest setting.
401KATMy point was he said a 6 ft person's head would rub WITH TOP DOWN.....and in writing that way....
ed monahanMy head would rub the rib if I had a hat on. I am 6' 2". I think that was before I lowered the seat, also.
Originally posted by 401KAT:
My point was he said a 6 ft person's head would rub WITH TOP DOWN.....and in writing that way....

The guy just misspoke and they didn't catch it or didn't edit before posting

Poor RichardStill a very good video thanks!
SuperKatEnjoyed that. Thanks

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