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Topic:Prowlers Music/Food/Friends onecatnodog
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
onecatnodogMile hi Prowlers meet up on a gloomy day to go for a cruise and play.... 1:00 in the parking lot Prowlers with- stand a slight drizzle...

onecatnodogRoy, Don, Carter, Brad, Grant, and I onecatnodog show with our toys and B.S. in the lot before our drive to Johnson's Corner to here the Symphony at R/V America... onecatnodog

Just a little something to take the chill off....
onecatnodogMore to the story later! I will stop here for awhile with another car wreck as the Prowlers just draw just to much attention of other drivers for them to keep there eyes on the road.. BOOM BABY!

onecatnodogWe made it to Hari and Doris's R/V America and the weather was getting better but still windy just in time for the consert... 5 Prowlers strong and one new ZO6 vette.. onecatnodog

This message has been edited by onecatnodog on 05-11-2008 at 07:28 PM


Let the music play!

This message has been edited by onecatnodog on 05-11-2008 at 08:28 PM

onecatnodogConcert was just about over and Philip and Linda show just catching the end of the music... onecatnodog

Picture of Carter to the Left, Philip and his wife Linda
onecatnodogI rushed outside to get a picture of the Prowlers before we left.... onecatnodog

Prowlers that showed were Brad's Silver, Grant's Blue, Carter's Silver, My Black, Don's Silver and Roy drove his new ZO6 trying to put some miles on it while his Prowler is getting some mods and Philip drove his Acura.. Thanks guys for coming out to play and now to Roy's house for the B.B.Q. onecatnodog
onecatnodogGoing down the Hi Way Grant Calls Russell as he was just getting off of work and he meets up with us for the B.B.Q. Good Job Grant!
onecatnodogWe all arrive at Roy and Fran's except for Don and Brad as they had other commitments... Phillips White Acura in the fore ground and then Grant's Blue, Carter's Silver, My Black, and Russell's Yellow with Green Hi Lite...Roy Drove around the back of the house in the Blue ZO6.... onecatnodog

onecatnodogMore later as I am going out to pick up Din Din.. onecatnodog...
onecatnodogRoy has us pull the Prowlers into the back yard along side his Vette as we were sitting on the back patio and going to B.B.Q. in a while and that way I could do some Pictures...

onecatnodog So we send the girls up to the store for stakes, chicken, potatoes, salad, while we guys set back and B.S. and I take some more pictures... It's amazing we all are still married!

onecatnodogWe start B.S.ing and Russell sees Roy's SSR truck and asks him... How Many Cars Do You Have Roy?... Roy says a bunch and that's why he bought this place 2 years ago as he is going to build a 30 car garage in the back of the lot to keep them at one location, and remodel the house... Sounds like a plan to me! Roy goes around the corner and back he comes with a BIG CADDY and says hop in the other house is just up the hill.. Let's go look at a few.. Roy, Russell, Grant, in the front and Phillip, Mike, Carter, and I in the back... What a site!

Sardine Sedan...
onecatnodogAnyone looking for a house here in Colorado... Roy's got this one were some of the cars are stored at for sale.. I think he said 1 million or so.. Or you could have the one next to it as he owns that one to.. Nice servants quarters .. Man when I took the wheels off of my house I doubled the value but nothing like this... Hard work pays off, but just not for me... Anyway! Up goes the garage door and Holy Moly, car guys dream.... Thanks Roy for giving me permission to share this story of just some of your cars, and paying for the B.B.Q..... onecatnodog

onecatnodogWhat a view from this house, right next to the golf course...
Well we had to get back to the new house as the girls would be back any moment so pile in the Caddy and off we go..... onecatnodog
onecatnodogLooks like a stop on the way home... Liquor Store... I'm surprised that we didn't get pulled over for laughing as it was non stop... Great time with my Prowler buddies..
Load em up and move em out!
onecatnodogBack to the house to unload our supply and the girls were all ready there... Roy parks the Caddy with the Prowlers and Carter goes to his car and gets a American Flag and puts it between the hood and fender and we crown it Prowler Staff Car... These Mile Hi Prowlers Guys Are THE GREATEST!

How could you not want to come to Colorado in June and have fun with us.... onecatnodog

This message has been edited by onecatnodog on 05-12-2008 at 12:34 AM


onecatnodogThe Girls worked in the Kitchen and I ran the B.B.Q...

onecatnodogFriends on the Patio!

onecatnodogI would like to take this time to thank this great site! Thank all that monitor it. All it's viewers, posters, and Prowler friends out there... Most of all I would like to thank the wifes that put up with our B.S. making fun times easily had... Then there is THE MILE HIGH PROWLER PALS.. Thank You, for all that you do, share, and go out of your way to enable us to have fun together... Please come play the Colorado way with us in June and meet our fun members....... John(onecatnodog)Collins

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