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Topic:Purple finger nail polish
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahanHas anyone used fingernail polish to touch up scratches on a Purple Prowler?
I know way back in the day, they found Orange and Red to match.
I would like to try it out on the nose scratches.
idiveSomeone used Ritz dye with what they said were matching results. I've used a purple sharpie. Its not too bad for out of the way smaller touchup/coverup, but its not a match.
ed monahanI actually thought of the Sharpie. I wasn't positive there was a purple but I thought there was. Maybe make up some Ritz dye and dip the Sharpie in it.
Sandy is very good at that type of thing so I am sure she can figure it out. I am a total clutz at anything artistic.
I used to attempt some things and then she would redo it and I finally realized I am horrible at it.
silverkatEd Why not get a bottle of touch up paint on ebay? I believe you can get it in spray cans as well. Yes Ed they have it, i just looked.

This message has been edited by silverkat on 10-21-2013 at 02:14 AM

EssexExportHere's the place to go for an exact match. You can get touch up in bottles, pens, or spray cans. Plymouth Prowler does not come up in the search engine, but Chrysler Prowler does for any year & color. Not sure why anyone would struggle with that other stuff.


galaxieHey Ed, after you do your car, save some for your toes.
Originally posted by galaxie:
Hey Ed, after you do your car, save some for your toes.

Great suggestion Mac, since Ed already has Prowler orange on his left hand nails,,,and Prowler Candy red on his right hand nails, lol

For X-Mas, Sandy is getting Ed a Prowler red nose ring like this one:

georgieboyEd. I went to an automotive paint store and gave them the code number from the repair manual for Prowler red paint and they mixed some up and put it in spray cans, $15 each. For touchup I spray some in a dish then use an artists brush.

Tell us the story of you going to get the Purple to bring it home.

JeraneWEd; I am reluctant to touch this subject; however, in all sincerity, I also purchased touch up paint for my Miata from Automotivetouchup.com. I got a kit that has 1., primer, 2. color, 3. clear coat. These are in small 2 oz. bottles with instructions. Worked great on my Miata. Good luck but be careful you don't get any on your toenails. Jerry
silverkatEd Just go to Ebay motors and type in Ply Prowler Purple touch up paint. You'll get a whole host of exact match colors either in cans, bottles, pens and Scratch Doctor kits. Prowler AY96TH7 is the code so you know it's exact match. I see your suggestion box is full. Now we're all gonna keep hounding you. You must be sorry you asked! LOL
ed monahanThanks for all the info.
MR. DESTINYI bought several cans of the Orange and touch up from the Chrysler dealer and had to order it. and ray your a pain in our butts.

This message has been edited by MR. DESTINY on 11-03-2013 at 01:57 PM

Originally posted by MR. DESTINY:
I bought several cans of the Orange and touch up from the Chrysler dealer and had to order it.

What did you use all those several cans of orange paint on there, Mr Density? How about sharing some photos to give the rest of us some ideas?

Ed, another little trick is to use Testors model paint for small areas ... can thin it as needed to get a small spot covered, and match is pretty good too.

ed monahanBrand name: essie
color: damsel in a dress

It is really, really close. Sandy touched up the scratches under the nose and it looks really good. It wasn't quite dry and she may do a little more tomorrow.
I don't know if you would want to do it on a door or hood. I will take a closer look in the sunlight tomorrow.

idiveIs that fingernail polish brand and color? Dye brand/color? Touchup paint brand/color? Your new nickname/what you now look like?
ed monahanThat is the brand of fingernail polish. essie
the color is damsel in a dress.
idiveThanks Ed.

Now go buy that trailer for steal in the classifieds and use the polish to touch up any rockchips.

This message has been edited by idive on 10-28-2013 at 06:24 PM

catfishi would never use nail polish as touchup,it has no durability.as far as touchup from a bottle,its not a perfect match by any means.any painter whos good at it,should be able to mix it in a small amount.this subject has been covered many times before.i use basecoat the color and mix some clear in it,about 20 percent clear,so when you touch up it will have a shine.strictly base will not have much of a shine.contrary to what a painter might tell you,you can mix the two together with no problems,i have been doing it for years.use a toothpick to apply.its much better than a small brush.theres alot of difference between a sprayed finish and touchup.touchup will never be a perfect match,close but no cigar.


ed monahanSuitoman sent me two cans of spray paint and also some small bottles of touch up.
Last night I sprayed a couple of small parts with the
"automotive touchup" brand spray and it is nowhere near a match.
The finger nail polish is extremely close to being a perfect match.
I am sure there will be some who will tell that it isn't so, just letting you know what matches and what doesn't.
I appreciate Ed sending me the touch up paint he had but I wouldn't want to use it on anything that is readily visible.
It is really overcast today so I will attempt to take some pictures on another day. Hopefully I will remember to do it.
Thanks for the input.
catfishit may very well match,im talking about durability being exposed to the weather over time.


ed monahanYeah, it may need to be touched up again in the future but for now it looks really good and it is under the nose, so it is not noticeable at all.
idiveWhile you're getting pictures, have Sandy take a few of you putting on nail polish. LOL.
I'm wondering if a clear coat would enhance (there's that word again) durability? I know I put clear polish over a paint scratch to metal on my minivan to seal against rust. It worked and held several years before starting to peel some, with no yellowing. I used a little on the painted wheels on curb rash several years back and its yellowed, but held up.

This message has been edited by idive on 11-16-2013 at 06:13 PM

ed monahanThe fingernail polish is enamel and it may last fairly long. Only time will tell.
I have not used the small bottles from the dealer and hope I never need to use it.
I put a wonderbar on it yesterday and have ceramic pads to put on it in the next few days. I also replaced the partial cover on the back "firewall" or whatever it is called with the later model that covers the entire area and has the metal mesh over the speakers. Gives it a much more finished look.
MattGI read the stuff above about fingernail polish but not really thinking of going that route. I have some scratches under the "chin" that I'd really like to get mitigated... (underside of the most forward part of the car).

I was thinking of going with the above referenced:

Can anyone verify that the purple really is an exact match? I guess paint fade could come into this equation too?

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