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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Right Time for Black People to Protest
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reecheeWhen Is the Right Time for Black People to Protest?
StingRayRosa Parks was not being paid to be on the bus, Rosa Parks was not in a team uniform representing employment and being on the clock, and Rosa Parks was there for anyone's entertainment .... but nice comparison anyway.
DanoI so cannot stand Trevor Noah.
reecheeI just finished the "Complete Guide to Correct Protesting" and there was not a single mention the it is incorrect to protest if you are on the clock.

If one does not care for Trevor Noah, that doen't negate the message.
I don't like Trevor Noah either.

StingRayREECHEEE ... whether it is incorrect or not from the novel you just read I don't care - if they are employed and elect to protest while in their employer's uniform - out the door - now they can go protest all they want, just not on the employer's time or on the employer's dime.
reecheeThe book was, I thought, obviously made up.

In any case, they did protest on the employer's dime. That is how you get attention. It sure got yours.

StingRayYes, you are right ... it DID ... and as such, I have forever abandoned the NFL until Roger Goodell is dropped as Commissioner and players are either severely fined or fired for NOT standing for OUR nation's National Anthem ....

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