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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:Romney should pack it in
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
reecheeAfter this blockbuster announcement, Romney can kiss any chance of winning goodbye:

WASHINGTON -- Betty White says she usually keeps her political views private but in this presidential election strongly favors one candidate.

As she prepares to visit the Smithsonian Institution and National Zoo next week, White told The Associated Press she "very, very much favors" President Barack Obama in the election.

The 90-year-old actress said Friday she is very bi-partisan and has stayed away from politics all of her life. She usually never says who she is for or against because she doesn't want to turn off any of her adoring fans.

White says in this year's election, she likes what Obama has done and "how he represents us."

Manufacture or perish.

StingRayThought she died ... huh, oh well ... yup, with that endorsement, BHO is certainly a shoe-in!
lionbergerDarn! Another Hollywood type I have to add to my "do not watch" list. Ah, well, there is always Tom Selleck and Gary Sinese.

Come to think of it I don't watch anything that she is in anyway.


bjprowlerBTW...The other day Marie Osmond announced that she would not endorse Mitt Romney for president!!! OMG!!!

Apparently, we're suppose to take from that that somehow his brethern in the Mormon Church don't trust him......And we all know what a good Mormon Marie has been...

Oh,...And did I mention that Obama won a nobel peace prize?,... And then went out and killed Osama Bin Laden and wants to brag about it ???....

...And we all know that mean old Romney hates gays cause he teased a high school classmate 50 years ago????.... Outrageous!! (and of course, Obama loves gays cause he's for gay marriage)...

...My friends, the choice is clear

(please pay no attention to the fact that our nation is in an economic crisis and our president is attending $40,000 per person fund raisers)

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 05-12-2012 at 09:00 PM

idiveActually Marie Osmond said she would rather have food poisoning than reveal her political preference but that she will vote for the candidate that upholds the constitution. We all know which candidate that will be.
Michael PondIt's a shame that the prez doesn't go to work and tend to business, like RUNNING THE COUNTRY. He only knows how to campaign, read a telepromter and what it and his advisors tells him to say. I doubt he has an original thought. When he does have to speak on his own, there is alot of stammering, huh's, and ah's. Great Orator, no way, good reader, yes.
Originally posted by bjprowler:
BTW...The other day Marie Osmond announced that she would not endorse Mitt Romney for president!!! OMG!!!

Apparently, we're suppose to take from that that somehow his brethern in the Mormon Church don't trust him......And we all know what a good Mormon Marie has been...

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 05-13-2012 at 10:43 AM

ed monahanIt is kind of sad that someone, ANYONE, looks up to Hollyweird celebrities as a role model for ANYTHING.
Who cares what those wackos like or dislike. They have
been out of touch with reality their entire lives, living
in a fantasy land.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
It is kind of sad that someone, ANYONE, looks up to Hollyweird celebrities as a role model for ANYTHING.
Who cares what those wackos like or dislike. They have
been out of touch with reality their entire lives, living
in a fantasy land.

And THAT is what is exactly what is wrong with our society today ... idiots allowed to vote! Many are on this site too. Listened to a mom rave about the Kardashians, and wanting to do whatever it took to see them while at ... you got it ... Sear's, of all places ... to show them that "she cared about them" ... seriously?! Reality TV, Dr. Phil, and Oprah (maybe Nancy Grace too), have doomed our existence!

heynow14You left out Bill O' the clown.


Originally posted by ed monahan:
It is kind of sad that someone, ANYONE, looks up to Hollyweird celebrities as a role model for ANYTHING.
Who cares what those wackos like or dislike. They have
been out of touch with reality their entire lives, living
in a fantasy land.

ALLEY CATToday,,,,,,,,,,,,June 1, 2012, more good news for 'Hope & Change'

Dow plunges 275 on disappointing jobs report

The blue chips go negative for 2012 as stocks suffer their worst day in at least 7 months, as payrolls grow less than half of estimates.

The unemployment rate rises to 8.2%. (40 consecutive months above 8%)

Crude oil drops below $84. (pump prices still high)

Gold moves higher.

May auto sales disappoint.


This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 06-01-2012 at 08:19 PM

bjprowler.....Yeah,....but my grandpappy was a Democrat,.... and my pappy was a Democrat.....and so I'm a Democrat!....

Don't try to confuse me with all those facts!

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