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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:Rough starting...??? Help
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Racer XOk.. now for a few months now my Kat has had a on and off problem with hard starting. 1 in 5 times it would do it. Sometimes it'll start right up and be fine. Other times it wont start until a lengthy cranking... then it idles rough for 2-5 seconds til it clears. I have had the car in for this problem 2 times now... the Tech at first thought it was a computer problem. I dont know what he did, but it made no difference. The next time he replaced a couple injectors which were supposed to be bad, but it's still doing it. In fact its more like every other start now. He's telling me now he needs to replace all the valvesprings on the exhaust side as per a Tech Service Bulletin. Now I'm not a mechanic, but if there was a problem with the valvesprings wouldnt it be all the time? I mean a problem that comes and goes is usually electonic right? This is really starting to aggravate me. My Tech has always been great, but this one I fear hes on the wrong track. Can anyone help me out here?

This message has been edited by Racer X on 09-15-2003 at 03:43 PM

Bob GoetzSounds like 1 of 2 things, the computer is not reading the fuel pressure correctly ( bad sensor ) or the throttle position sensor.

This message has been edited by Bob Goetz on 09-15-2003 at 04:35 PM

GeneMay want to have M.A.P sensor checked,try disconnecting vacumn line to it and see what happens.
Racer XThanks guys for you thoughts! Anyone out there have or had a similar problem?

I assume we all probebly agree that the exhaust valvesprings have no effect on this problem.... right?

Steve TI do not see how the exhaust valve springs could cause an intermittent problem like you describe. Unless it has something to do with them heating up and changing some type of clearance or something. Just does not sound very likely to me.

Anyone have a copy of the technical bulletin he is referring to? Do we have these posted some place on the POA site?

Steve and Debbie Thomas
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1967 Hugger Orange Camaro 400
1955 Yellow Chevrolet Truck

KalaIm having a problem with starting too... Mine is intermittent. Usually happens after the car is warm. Sometimes, not all of the time, I get a clicking noise when starting. Then it turns over.

I just replaced the battery, so its not that. I check the battery often with a charger to see if it is getting low. I always get a green light.

Also my local service tech says I have an amp leak of twice the normal amount. I think it was .80 amps. The "check gauge" light comes on.

My car is a 99 and Im waiting for the instrument panel recall to be done, they had to build one first they said...
Anyone have this problem then have the Instrument panel replaced?


ed monahanthere is an instrument panel recall???
KalaThe Tech at our local dealership says there is a instrument panel recall for 99's... I searched POA for a topic, and I got a post by Todd, from 12/2000.

The dealership ordered the panel for mine. My headlights are kinda dimming at night, then going brighter, then dim again. Im hoping the IP is the problem.

Bob GoetzI would sure like to know if the instrument panel fixes the headlight problem as my car has had the headlight gig going on since new and my dealer could not figure it out.
ed monahanKala, can you post the link for the recall of the 99 dash? I can't find it doing a search.
KalaThe recall is something that my local Prowler tech told me about. I had my Kat up there for the ball joint recall, they looked my VIN up in the computer, and said that there was other recall work that needed to be done...

There was a jumper wire that needed to be done, and a sticker that needed to be put on about the brakes I think. Last I checked they said the instrument panel was deferred, which means that it will be made, but they can't give me a date.

I ll give Bart a call today to see what's up, or if there is a recall notice number or date...

KalaI called the dealership today. The recall is not active on all 99's. The regular service guy couldnt give me and answer on the recall number or date.

He said to call your local dealer they can check with the VIN. Mine was on recall. The IP will be replaced when Bart (Prowler tech) gets back from vacation, so I ll update then to let you know if the headlights are steady, not flickering.

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