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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:San Antonio TX
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Dave MillsMy son Craig (PTLeftTurn) just received orders to report to Randolph AFB by July 15th. He is currently in Afghanistan. Is there somebody in the area that would be willing to correspond with him about housing? Where to live, costs, etc.? I would appreciate some help from any locals that are willing. He won't have much time when he gets back to the States. It can be done e-mail, Facebook, or he can call you. Thanks in advance.
1buddycDave, my son Steve has been a Real Estate Agent here in San Antonio for the last 13 years. PM me your email address or your son's email address and I'll see if I can hook them up.
Dave Millspm sent, thanks Buddy
1buddycYou're welcome Dave, any time.
Marty UsherDave - I hope that means you & Brenda will be visiting San Antonio sometime soon after Craig moves here!

Buddy's son should be able to answer most of his questions. Let me know if there is anything Rebecca and I do to help.


Dave MillsWe hope to come down to Texas this year. We are going to Florida in May after he returns from Afghanistan.
CJDave, wasn't he assigned a "sponsor"? Every time Brian moves, they assign a person from his unit to help him with the transition, including housing, doctors, etc.
Dave MillsCJ, I took it upon myself to try to help. I don't know what the AF will do.

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