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Topic:Sarah Palin 2012
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heynow14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1qAcSH1HYyw



ALLEY CATIts great to see that the DNC is so scared of Sarah,,,,who they constantly say is no threat,,,that they continually berate this lady with negative attacks. All they are doing is keeping her out in front of the public,,which may come back to bite 'em in the butt..

If she is no threat, as they say,,,you'd think they would let her be and disappear into the abyss?

bjprowlerWe'll be lucky if there's anything left of our constitution by 2012, comrade Heynow
BeWareBarack Obama vs Sarah Palin 2012 – what the polls say

November 23, 11:34 PMLong Island Democrat ExaminerRaj RajagopalanPrevious 9 comments Print
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In 2008, America rejected extremely qualified candidates like McCain and Hillary. In 2008, Americans said that hands-on experience doesn’t matter when it comes to the role of President of America.

American people rejected experience, once during the Democratic Primary, and second time during the General Election of 2008.

Obama, a guy who said that he had traveled through the 57 states of our country, a guy who didn’t know the difference between Memorial Day and Veteran’s Day, was elected the President of our great country. The most inexperienced candidate who had just 145 days of US Senate experience, was elected to the office of President of America.

The country will again go to polls in 2012. What if the 2012 race is between Barack Obama and Sarah Palin? Let us see what the numbers say.

Currently Obama has the favorability of 48% of American public, as per Gallup. His numbers have been on a downhill slide from 70% in February 2009, to an all time low of 48% as of this week. Numerous polls have shown that Sarah Palin’s favorability numbers have been climbing from 40% in summer months of 2009, to 43% as of now, with some polls putting her numbers as high as 47%.

Let us not forget, these polls were taken before Sarah Palin’s extremely successful and history creating “Going Rogue” book launch, and all the great interviews she appeared on, this week.

Let us also not forget that at the same point in time during the 2008 election cycle (3 years before the election), Obama was lagging behind candidates like Hillary and McCain by a huge 20 plus points.

Sarah Palin was only within 1-5 point’s of Barack Obama numbers last week. This is definitely good news for her, given that the numbers are only bound to increase for her, with all the momentum going her way.

No wonder Obama’s “Organizing for America” panicked, and sent out an email to all its donors asking for immediate donation, with a goal of half a million to be raised this week, to fight what they called “Dangerous Sarah”!

ed monahanA local TV station did a poll last week since Sarah Palin was coming to town to sign her new book. 11,000 folks called in, which is a fairly high number for those TV polls locally. The poll asked if you liked or disliked S Palin. Just over 50 % liked her. There was only a difference of 29 votes out of 11,000. That isn't a ringing endorsement but if she was put up against B O, I think she would have gotten even more votes. Just my opinion.
jd2ksilverThink she'd complete her term?

Or would she stomp her feet, cry, and take her ball and go home like she did to the people of Alaska because she wasn't getting her way.

Republican, Democrat, or anyone who leaves office in the middle of a elected term has nothing coming. No matter what the reason. Save your fingers if your going to tell me she was in a no win situation there. No win for who? Her?

If you want a republican president, I'd look elsewhere.

Course, that's just my opinion.

This message has been edited by jd2ksilver on 11-24-2009 at 09:18 PM

ALLEY CATCalifornia is doing so well with unemployment, bank failures, business failures, and home foreclosures,,,,,,,,,I'm guessing Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) OR Senator Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) OR Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) would all make an excellent Presidential choice.

Talk about self serving bias women..

Since the 2006 general elections, the Democratic Party has been the majority party in both the House of Representatives and the United States Senate,,,,and they appear to be doing a fine job.

jd2ksilverLarry, when you post in bold type, are you quoting something?
Or are you just saying its really really true?

Lets put it another way. If Palin was a man in the service, would you feel comfortable going into the jungle with her covering your back knowing she(he)just left millions of people dangling because she (he) didnt get her way?

My opinion was about her, don't twist it into a democrat slam again. Or even a California one. Or even women.

This message has been edited by jd2ksilver on 11-25-2009 at 01:18 AM

Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
[B]Its great to see that the DNC is so scared of Sarah,,,,who they constantly say is no threat,,,that they continually berate this lady with negative attacks. All they are doing is keeping her out in front of the public,,which may come back to bite 'em in the butt..

If she is no threat, as they say,,,you'd think they would let her be and disappear into the abyss?[/B]

Kinda reminds me of what the repugs did to Hillary.


ed monahanHillary is/was a conniving thief, married to a conniving thief. Palin might not be as slick or polished (or slimey) but she is not a career politician and that might be what is appealing about her, to a lot of folks. I doubt if she would win but then again, if she is running against B O, if he is not impeached by then, she might win that one. The lesser of two evils again.
Kind of early to be debating the next Pres. election.
heynow14How sad is it when the best the repugs can do is Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.


Originally posted by heynow14:
How sad is it when the best the repugs can do is Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck.

Kind of like the Democrats with Clinton and Obama........

heynow14Well they did get elected.


heynow14Sarah the Quitter and Glenn Beck??? Anyone know about him?


ed monahanWhy did Sarah quit, Robert?
heynow14 http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,1908800,00.html

Reason #5 seems to make the most sense. Can you tell me about Glenn Beck?


ed monahanI have no idea who Glenn Beck is. I have heard the name, of course but couldn't pick out his picture.
I guess you have some great info you want to share about him.
heynow14I thought Rich would dig something up.


BeWareGlenn Beck is a popular conservative talk show host. He is an admitted recovering alcoholic. He last drank in 1994 when he joined AA.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 12-01-2009 at 03:56 PM

catfishomamas rating is down to 39% and dropping.


heynow14Well Huckabee is toast. By the time 2012 gets here they'll be no-one to run against Sarah. Then it's 4more years of Obama.


ed monahanThe only way Obama will win again is if he is running unopposed. Most of the libs are even starting to catch on to him.

And it only took 11 months!....

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