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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Shocking news
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ZundappCharlie Sheen has HIV. I wonder how on earth he could have gotten HIV ?
alrtgI'm not shocked, heck I'm not even surprised!

Promiscuity with or without protection tends to lead to problems.

Abstinence seems to be the best way to reduce one's exposure to such issues, that and not letting the wrong head do the thinking for the right one.

Me TimeWinning.
Originally posted by Me Time:

Winning? What did he do, enter a contest or raffle to get it and won?

beachcatWho cares? It's no longer a death sentence anyway. There are millions, including many members here, who would gladly trade him diseases.
Me Time
Originally posted by beachcat:
Who cares? It's no longer a death sentence anyway. There are millions, including many members here, who would gladly trade him diseases.

bet the bimbos he slept with including the mothers of his kids and his kids care.

Usually a person will crash and burn in younger years, he waited until is mid to late 40's to start the big decline. What a winner!

ZundappWho cares? The hundreds of people he had sex with and didn't tell that he was HIV positive.Actually it's a crime to do that. I wonder when someone will try to put him in jail instead of going for the cash settlement. If he's a winner ,I hope I lose by a mile.
Originally posted by alrtg:
I'm not shocked, heck I'm not even surprised!

Promiscuity with or without protection tends to lead to problems.

Abstinence seems to be the best way to reduce one's exposure to such issues, that and not letting the wrong head do the thinking for the right one.

That was a sarcastic remark I just made. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. Drugs,sex with hundreds of women,and alcohol...what could go wrong?

Originally posted by Zundapp:
That was a sarcastic remark I just made. I'm surprised he lasted as long as he did. Drugs,sex with hundreds of women,and alcohol...what could go wrong?

His father said he was the most courageous person he has ever known. Really? His father is 75 years old but still he surely doesn't think that way.

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