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Topic:Silly Question - Detail before or after road trip
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ondoneOK...I know this will be one of those...duh!...questions, but here you go. I'm planning a road trip from Sacramento, CA to Tucson in late Oct and return in early Nov. I'm going along the Pacific Coast Highway. Now for the question. The Prowler is in dire need of a high quality detail. Should I wait until I return or do it before I leave? Would a good detail before the drive make the bugs easier to remove when I return?


pumpkinBefore. Every time we stop for gas, I take the window cleaning tool from the gas station and wash the bugs off.Just an idea that works for me


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This message has been edited by pumpkin on 10-06-2006 at 02:30 PM

callryanFull detail before then a quick wash afterwards.
BeWareDepends on what you mean by a high quality detail. To me high quality means doing things like removing side panels to clean behind them, cleaning every nook an cranny in the engine bay and interior, using q-tips to clean vents and so on. I think you get the picture. If this matches what you mean by high quality detail. I would say only a wash, wax and vacuum before the trip and a high quality detail after. I always start out any trip with a clean car.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 10-06-2006 at 02:56 PM

dreamcast18It would not matter if you don't have a regular or clear bra for the trip. Get one installed.
Originally posted by ondone:
The Prowler is in dire need of a high quality detail. Should I wait until I return or do it before I leave? Would a good detail before the drive make the bugs easier to remove when I return?

I would do it before and after my trip...but I do all my detailing myself. The detail before you go...may just make your kat a little slippery for the bugs.

I just can't stand driving my kat when it's dirty.


HowardBefore you go on your trip buy one of those waxes that you spray on when your car is wet. This will put a protectve coating of wax on your prowler. When you come home, wash the car thoroughly, clay bar the car, then wax it.

Originally posted by Howard:
Before you go on your trip buy one of those waxes that you spray on when your car is wet. This will put a protectve coating of wax on your prowler. When you come home, wash the car thoroughly, clay bar the car, then wax it.

Howard, did you say clay bar

HowardPumpkin as you know, if it wasn't for you mentioning the clay bar I would never have know about it. I am a true believer of the Clay Bar. The paint on my car is smooth as glass.
Originally posted by TooHipCat:
I would do it before and after my trip...but I do all my detailing myself. The detail before you go...may just make your kat a little slippery for the bugs.

[B]I just can't stand driving my kat when it's dirty.



exactly !!!!!!!!!!!

GeneI have been told by a friend who is very pickey about his car that travels a lot and he sprays wifes Pam and says it will just hose off and in Florida we have a lot of love bugs.I do know in cooking nothing sticks to it.

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