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Topic:THE last ride in the Hiboy.......
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gary C200 shot of NO2
and a full load of 114 VP Race Gas

Well the slicks worked killer

0-60 2.9 seconds
11.18 et with 113 mph Sorta laid down a bit thought it would be quicker. It went rich I know it will go into the 10's, the next owner will have the pleasure of doing that.


I couldn't believe my eyes.

But the New Viper is here and all is well

Nasty Catcan you post pics of the Viper


Gary CSure later today photo shoot.

thanks for asking

Gary CBuBBA,


butchceeI'd have to be there Gary.

Video tape the run and post it...

Kinda tuff to believe right now you know ....


Gary C,,,anyways she is on her way to her new home as of last night.

I will miss her but I will miss my Diesel truck way more.

Nasty, it's raining here today, hope to get pics when the weather clears.

One more thing, I was told from an excellent source yesterday, that a test mule Viper doesn't go 191, they went 202mph, yea baby.

jmcant1Not trying to rain on any one's parade, I'm really not, but why would any one want to go 202mph??? I mean on the street, outside of a track??

Loved your Hi-boy Gary, wish there were more pics of it in your scrapbook.


Originally posted by jmcant1:
Not trying to rain on any one's parade, I'm really not, but why would any one want to go 202mph??? I mean on the street, outside of a track??

Loved your Hi-boy Gary, wish there were more pics of it in your scrapbook.



Here's at least one more


Gary Cthanks Whealy

JM, I always wanted a 200 mph car.

Been 168 in a Viper before
Been 158 on a murdercycle
Been 166 on water

Now I want to go as fast as I can.

There are events where you can make a 1 or 5 mile run in your vehicle, you start from a dead stop.

I will do it safely, the old Gary would have done it unsafely, need to be here for my Mom and Deb.

ALLEY CATGar - how about the special plate I seen on a local Lambo?

IGO 202

I've got a front plate for you also,,,,

Gary CIn Hoosier land you have to wait a year for personal plates

I like the IGO 202, thanks AC

cnote6The car looks faster than it is....Right Gary?

Also the guys at my shop could not belive the 0 to 60 time.. Great Job!!

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