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This message has been edited by mspe01 on 05-09-2005 at 02:00 PM

mspe01OPPS FROM HIGHLAND CA (outside san bernardino)
Ed W.I can't help you Mike, but I thought I ought to congratulate you on buying George's trailer. Snaring
an original Mulholland is quite an accomplishment!
Enjoy it in good health.

ps. Your trailer pamplet is in the mail.

Marty Ushertoo bad we don't have anybody from California coming to Power Tour. Maybe someone from the West Coast is coming to the Dell's and can haul it for you?
George CPlease help Mike out....I want to sell the trailer.Thanks
CJWish I could help out, but it's the wrong direction for me.
George CI would tow it but ....I don't have a prowler anymore.Bummer
Larry LordMaybe we can find someone to tow it to Deadwood for the Independence Day event. Fred and Carol Schultz will be there and are from Michigan.
I'm not sure if they are towing or driving their Prowler and I don't know if they have a hitch on it.
Maybe they can help?

This message has been edited by Larry Lord on 05-09-2005 at 10:12 PM

meancatAlley the cat should be able to help as he lives in Phoenix Arizona.He can go meet someone by L.A. or something like that then bring it to the Dell's(not like he's doing anything )It would give the weight's and measure's people a brake. I have 4 difference truck's from 3 difference agency's here no thank's to Alley the Cat.


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