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nitrosteveHi, I'm new to the site. Hope this is correct. I have a 99 purple Prowler with chrome wheels and a newly acquired hard top. Front bumpers have been removed. I have an on going problem with my Autometer tach. It keeps pegging all the way to the right and then stops working. The dealer has fixed it twice. It happened the first time at 8,000 miles and again at 10,000. Now I'm at 11,400 and it has done it again. Has anyone else had this problem, and if so...any ideas on a solution? Thanks, Steve
ed monahanI think the cure is to "bounce" the adjustable steering wheel from all the way down to "let her fly".
If that wasn't the cure, it was the cause.
Quit driving so fast that you are burying the tack needle. lol
Someone else will weigh in on it. It has been discussed in the past but I have not had the problem so I am not positive about the answer.
You can also try "searching" with the word tach.
Marty UsherBefore I installed a larger aftermarket Autometer tach the needle on my factory tach got stuck "past the peg". If that is what has happened to your's then Ed is correct - the cause & the cure could be the samething. If you release the tilt steering wheel abruptly causing it to slam to the all the way up position it can casue the needle to jump over the peg.
TooHipCat I had this same problem on my way back from Carlisle. I never use my tilt steering feature so I can't figure this one out. I noticed while driving yesterday...it fixed itself.

Maybe I should give Father Guido Sarducci a call.

mojoriserMine does this once or twice a year. The steering wheel is never raised or lowered so that is definitely not a cause in my situation.

Normally it fixes itself but mine's been stuck now for a couple of weeks and I'm starting to wonder if it will ever go back to normal. If anybody knows of a real fix I'd be interested in hearing it.

TucsonJermojoriser, thanks for posting that picture! Mine did exactly the same about a month ago. We were sitting at a stoplight when suddenly the car stalled like someone had turned off the key then turned it right back on. In that 3or4 second span some of the gauges dropped then came right back up. That’s when I noticed the tach and it looked like your picture. When the light turned green I took off but the tach was stuck In that position. I was so glad that the car didn’t die and leave me stranded in the middle of the street. I headed for the house and about halfway home the tach started to work again. What I found was the positive battery cable was loose on the post. I had had a new battery put in and apparently the cable hadn’t been tightened enough. After re-tightening the cable I haven’t had anymore problems so hopefully that was the culprit. I never chang the steering wheel position either. I don’t know if my experience will help shed any light on this situation but hopefully it might help someone else. Jer
robinmojoriser first welcome. My mistake I see you have been here for some time.
Your picture is super big.
Save mine to desk top and then rename it .
or if you're able to resize it to about 600mb click on edit and remove picture then re add new size.

very impressed you were able to post.

Is your transmission shifting or acting funny???
Output senor on transmission provides signal to Tach.
Tomcal idea.

Plus check the wiring PLUG at the back of tach.

This message has been edited by robin on 03-09-2018 at 01:39 PM

robintry the suggestions Jerry gave and Tomcal then put a want to buy ad in classifieds.


mopar had listed at 250ish
plus there are some plug and play tachs out there.

Marty UsherI have a factory tach that I took out of my car last fall (car had 8000 miles on it at the time) If you can't get your's fixed I will sell this one for $75 plus shipping.
stevedymoDon't snap the steering wheel to fix the tach, you could damage the clockspring in the steering wheel (more money).

Disconnect the plug on the tach and using a magnet bring the needle back around as close to the pin. Then connect the plug and start the car to see if fixed.

If you don't have a magnet, take the 2 screws out of tach bracket, disconnect the plug and roll the needle around to the pin.
Plug the tach in and start the engine to see if correct, then screw tach back into bracket.

Hope this helps

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