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Topic:Talladega Nights
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Randy CobbI'm not much of a movie guy, but went to see Talladega Nights last night.

Entertaining. I think it is great that NASCAR has grown to the point where it embraces the fact that it can laugh at itself with the stereotypes.

I saw a few scenes where I recognized areas of Concord, Kannapolis and Charlotte, NC.

cnote6We don't goto the movies much but I would like to see this one!
SimonsezNot to damper anyone's spirits but I thought it was S-T-U-P-I-D! All of the funny scenes are in the commercials. I didn't think it would ever end. I compared it to Anchorman and didn't like it either. JMO
meancatI think to understand it you had to laugh at some of the thing's in the back ground.I did also think that most of the good scenes were in the commercial also.But I ready did like the part about being all over his grandpa like a spider monkey .AND JUST THE WAY HE Said it.


Originally posted by Simonsez:
Not to damper anyone's spirits but I thought it was S-T-U-P-I-D! All of the funny scenes are in the commercials.

That is what I was afraid of,,,,stupid humor. The days of clever humor are evaporating.

Thanks for the reviews....probably saved me a twenty!

Ed W.
Originally posted by ALLEY CAT:
Thanks for the reviews....probably saved me a twenty!

Come on AC, the only way you were going to go was with "someone else's" twenty !

Dave MillsI figured it would be stupid, this confirms that. It is not on my list of "must see" movies. Not even worth the price to rent it.
Rpowell593The movie was exactly as it was advertised. It was stupid and funny. If you were expecting more ... than you are just overthinking it. If you're into Will Ferrell humor, you'll like it, lots of Stupid One Liners. But if you're looking for a storyline that you can't see a mile away ... better skip it.

I went in knowing what it was, and enjoyed myself.

Randy CobbYeah, thats why I said it was entertaining. Stupid humor- no doubt.

Obvious storyline, but I was in the mood that night for some no-brainer entertaining fun.

Tytanium-KElf & I are avid movie goers...the diff between Anchorman and 40 year old virgin are exponential! I LOVE humor, but gotta say Will Ferrell simply doesn't do it for me! I have watched 40 year old virgin 7 or 8 times and laugh out loud at every single viewing! Outrageous, clever, and very well-done overall, IMHO. Talla good-ol-boy Nights will not be on our list to see anytime soon, maybe never! *~* But to each their own! America! Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Baby!
ALLEY CAT"I LOVE humor, but gotta say Will Ferrell simply doesn't do it for me! I have watched 40 year old virgin 7 or 8 times and laugh out loud at every single viewing! Outrageous, clever, and very well-done overall, IMHO."

Ty-K - exactly what I was thinking. Clever humor is much more entertaining than stupid humor.

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