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Forum:Political Off Topic
Topic:This just in from my attorney.....
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
bjprowlerI've just completed sending emails to those in charge (Krehels) here at the POA to put them on notice and ask for their help.

I can assure you that I will NOT tolerate the Defamation and Libel that is being dished out toward me on this forum....

Here's what I was told by my attorney:

Defamatory speech distributed over the Internet can result in civil liability for the defamer AND litigation against the WHP whose facilities were used to distribute the defamatory material.

It better stop.

silverkatWho do you think you're kidding? You have defamed so many members on this site over the years my head is spinning. Probably the worst offense was the continual libelous claim that a certain member was a Viet Nam Draft Dodger. Remember that? You are a hypocrite and shouldn't even be on this site as you can't get along with anyone here in the political forum. I've got plenty examples of your libelous statements and hateful rants to share with Mike as well. So don't threaten me or anyone on this site.

You would do yourself a big favor if you deleted your threatening thread. Stay the hell out of the Political Forum if you can't take the heat. Try sending the Krehels a donation email instead of your threats....

bjprowlerSee what I mean?

Number one, what in the world made you think I was talking about a sweet guy like you?.....

And sorry, you're too late, I've already emailed my complaint to the Krehels...I'll let them look at your posts and decide for themselves who is the jerk and an azz hole...

And by all means, post those "examples of libelous statements and hateful rants" toward other members that I allegedly made...

You have NEVER MET ME NOR EVEN TALKED TO ME.....And yet you (and one other) have claimed ON A PUBLIC FORUM that I am an alcoholic.....That's the basis for my claim.

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-15-2017 at 02:11 PM

silverkatYou've dared me to post all the slanderous things in the past and I've done that so why would I waste my time again. You are not worth it. You've asked other members as well to do it in the past and they've complied and instead of answering you hide for a while. What ever gave you the idea that I was asking you to not contact the Krehels? Be my guest and do whatever you have to. I was pointing out that you should delete the embarrassing thread you started.

You were the 1st to call me an alcoholic years ago and tell me to get help so every time you open your huge mouth I like to remind you and that seems to shut your pie hole for a while. You obviously can't take the heat in the POT forum so stay out. You only come here to piss people off with your obnoxiousness.

I'm sure Mike is thrilled to get complaints from a non contributing member like yourself. Why don't you try and act like a human being and cut the obnoxious sarcasm and maybe you wouldn't be the most unpopular member here in the POT Forum. Ever notice people chastise themselves for the few times they may agree w/you? Take a poll here to see who likes you. Be careful what you wish for big mouth you may just get what you want. Now shut up and contribute to the site Mr. "N arears"

robinBJ I can remember reaching out to you several times .
Once in particular when you mention about going to visit A place your wife would love but since she passed you wouldn't go.
You said you won't go with out her.
I said she would be right there with you . In your heart . Go take that trip.
You basically told me to take a hike .
Another time I offer to make a donation in honor of your wife when you were having trouble on the forum. Again you told me basically to go away.

I know you must be hurting inside cause you lost your beatiful wife.
But you tend to bring all these things upon yourself.
You tend to instigate by posting in threads that you know will provoke other particular members.
Maybe try and take a break for a while and come back with a better frame of mind. Not always so confrontational.
Maybe stay out of the political forum and focus on trying to help people with prowler issues not political opinions.

Just a thought.

This message has been edited by robin on 12-15-2017 at 06:24 PM

bjprowlerRobin..Thanks for your comments....

Since you seem to want to get involved, all I can say is go back through months and maybe YEARS of posts and I can guarantee you that NOT ONCE did I INITIATE an attack on Silverkat...The only times I engaged him was IN RESPONSE TO when HE made insulting remarks or called me names...

Go ahead....Do the research....You'll find what I say is true....You will NEVER find a post of mine where it was I that instigated the BS name calling and insulting...

By all means....Check it out....And while you're at it...Look at the topics and content of EVERY topic that I've STARTED prior to this post........You'll find that I am not the one who starts this childish BS....My posts are about interesting, informative, current events, political OPINION, topical or amusing topics...Go ahead....Check out the last 20-30 topics that I started...I'll guarantee that ALL of them STARTED OUT AS simply good, topical, wholesome, informative or entertaining posts until Silverkat attacked.

BTW...Also check out any posts that HE initiated....You'll find that there are few or none..... He only posts on this site in response to a post that was started by ME....You will find little or none initiated by HIM.....He contributes NOTHING to other peoples posts and his only interest is in creating conflict toward ME. I don't think that he even responds to ANYONE'S posts except MINE....What does that tell you?

As I said earlier, I have emailed the Krehels and asked for their intervention....All I want is to NOT BE ATTACKED.

Check it out....This crap HAS GOT TO STOP...This is NOT what people visit this site for.

And BTW....I have been registered on this site for almost 14 years...and have posted 6,660 times and so as much as I appreciate your interest and your efforts,.... I don't need lectured....Also,...I have sent emails to the Krehels and have been consulting with my attorney regarding the harassment, slander and libel issues....Kindly let us handle this matter...Thanks

This message has been edited by bjprowler on 12-16-2017 at 01:25 AM

silverkatRobin you're too nice a guy to bother with this toxic individual. Like he said he wants no lectures from you. He only wants to lecture everyone else. He's an innocent babe in the woods who never has done anything wrong in his dilusional mind. That's why no one can stand him in this forum. This creep time and time again has done more slandering than Carter has liver pills. He repeatedly called out a member for being a Viet Nam Draft Dodger. When asked for proof he slinked away like a little coward. He's fooling no one and that's why he is so disliked in this forum. Now he's threatening law suits? Complaining to the Krehels? This toxin has been banned on several occasions for the behavior he accuses.

All I can say to this clown, he likes to call people that, bring it on. I counted 18 threads started yesterday from him on the top page in Off Topic with barely a response. Now with his latest threats no one will ever want to deal with him. He's nothing more than a lonely old, toxic trouble/attention seeker. He's now elevated himself to a real cancer on this site and he won't even contribute 1 dime.

Leave the old fool alone Robin he doesn't deserve 1 kind word from a nice person like you. God Bless you Robin.

Oh yeah almost forgot. As pointed out by another member yesterday some wholesome examples of what threads he starts.
Trump's an Azz Hole
Melania is a 45 year old Bimbo
Pompous azz hole,. etc.

What a crock he spews.

This message has been edited by silverkat on 12-16-2017 at 07:08 AM

robinGood luck BJ

Hope you have a wonderful Holiday season .
Merry Christmas and hopefully a New refreshing start to the New Year

May God Guide you through this storm that troubles you.

Originally posted by robin:
Good luck BJ

Hope you have a wonderful Holiday season .
Merry Christmas and hopefully a New refreshing start to the New Year

May God Guide you through this storm that troubles you.


Merry Christmas to ALL ....

tangled up in BLUE...watching too much Perry Mason ?

...sending Emails of this sort to Mike and Judy a few days before Christmas, PRETTY DAMNED CLASSY

...hiring an attorney, waste of money, they will all look into your case for a few hundred dollars per hour...and by you warning your adversaries in advance, potential trial evidence could be destroyed making your attorney very unhappy...telling people you are going to sue them if they don't do as you please could also be construed as a threat

...can you PROVE in court to opposing attorneys you are NOT an alcoholic, do you really want your entire past examined by other attorneys

...possibly need attorneys in at least 3 states to take depositions etc...they will also take your money with no promise of results

...you are on the site voluntarily, and at no charge, no monetary loss if you go elsewhere...no monetary damages I see, and proving future damages is nearly impossible in a situation such as this

...if I owned the POA I would immediately eliminate your account for "YOUR OWN PROTECTION" and to prevent you from future harm

...who said what to who first is relatively unimportant, although enough money to an attorney or two MIGHT get to the bottom of it....bottom line, it is a tough world some days and if the heat is too hot in the kitchen, leave

...as others have stated, hope you have a Happy Holiday and reduce your stress levels before they kill you, or cost you tens of thousands of dollars
............... Merry Christmas

garysssSince everyone is using screen names, how can anyone claim anything about anybody?
ed monahan
Originally posted by garysss:
Since everyone is using screen names, how can anyone claim anything about anybody?

By making a list and checking it twice! Tis the season.

StingRayPOA knows who truly is Naughty or Nice

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