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Topic:Tire valve
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ItpurrsMy tire sensor light has been coming on and the tire pressure is good . But I noticed one of my sensor/valves is cracked, can that give me problems ? And taking off my cap 2 of the clips broke , I remember seeing something on using magnets to hold the . Can someone give me a refresher.
jimsuttonOld as these Prowlers are now most likely that the battery in the sensors are bad ..
robinOne method is this way...
Send them directly to Dick Linneman. He thinks he needs me in the equation, but he doesn't need me.
Dick Linneman
Sterling Industries
5642 Victory Dr
Cincinnati, OH 45233
Shipping is $ 10, total, for one or four caps.
Repair is $ 30 for one plus $10 shipping
Repair is $100 for four plus $ 10 shipping.

Mark the back of them with a magic marker and he will make sure you get the same ones back.
He usually repairs them the same day he gets them (or the next day, at the latest). He holds them a day to make sure the epoxy (?) sets and the ring does not get knocked out of place during shipping. You should get them back in about a week from the day you shipped them off. The weekend could delay that a day or so. He does them quickly.
You can remove the tabs and the O ring before you send them to Dick. He breaks them off and throws them away. If you break them off you don't have to worry about them scratching the other caps plus it cuts down on space and weight.
The return shipping is higher because the caps weigh a bit more with the repair.

I now have 9 spares so if you lost one, we can fix you up. If you have extras, I will buy them at $ 15 each.
This message has been edited by ed monahan on 06-30-2014 at 04:27 PM

beachcatMagnet mod! Tested, proven, used by many.
ItpurrsThanks guys. What about the cracked valve stem is that going to give me a problem?
Originally posted by Itpurrs:
Thanks guys. What about the cracked valve stem is that going to give me a problem?

I would just replace it and not worry about it. What year is your Prowler?

ed monahanYour sensor is not visible until you take the tire off the rim. When you say your valve is cracked do you mean the valve stem CAP ? If the valve stem is cracked it is probably leaking air and I would think it would go flat within hours if not minutes. That is unless it is just a surface crack and that would not interfere with anything important.

The cap screws onto the top of the valve stem. Inside of that is the actual valve, controlling the flow of air and the valve stem is about 1 1/2 inches long. The sensor is on the bottom end of that valve stem, inside the rim and tire.

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