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Topic:To all the Yellow owners
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
SlickWould you have purchased the Prowler in yellow if they would have only offered it it the yellow that was on the Crossfire?


ETMIDZTShow me a pic. What color Yellow is the Crossfire?
meancatI wouldn't have bought one if I could not have yellow.


Kevin AI'm not a Yellow owner, but I personally think the yellow Crossfire is the worst color put on a car in the last 20 years! Pale yellow looks good on some 1950's cars, but not on a sports car.

Dave MillsI have seen the yellow Crossfire.....NO!
Steve T

Pale yellow looks good on some 1950's cars, but not on a sports car.

I agree with Kevin on this one.

Steve and Debbie Thomas
Our Prowlers: 2002 Candy Red + 2001 Orange + 2001 Silver + 1999 Yellow

Originally posted by Kevin A:
I'm not a Yellow owner, but I personally think the yellow Crossfire is the worst color put on a car in the last 20 years! Pale yellow looks good on some 1950's cars, but not on a sports car.

LOL that was a killer
ALLEY CATThat anemic shade of yellow, kept me from buying a Crossfire convertible a year or so ago. No flare or excitement generated in that color,,,, yuk!

This message has been edited by hotroddaddy on 08-13-2008 at 01:07 PM


This message has been edited by hotroddaddy on 08-13-2008 at 01:07 PM

DanManFirst time I've seen it. No way.

CJAfter driving a Crossfire for a while, I wouldn't buy a Crossfire no matter what color it was!
Originally posted by CJ:
After driving a Crossfire for a while, I wouldn't buy a Crossfire no matter what color it was!

Why? Handling? Suspension?...just curious.

I think they look kinda cool driving down the street.JMO


Originally posted by TooHipCat:
Why? Handling? Suspension?...just curious.

I think they look kinda cool driving down the street.JMO


Rough ride, it rattles and not enough power.
WAIT! That's the Prowler!LOL

GenoTexBeautiful body, terrific handling, excellent acceleration from 0 to 150 ... great car, imho.

CJBrian.......I had a company lease Crossfire for a few months.
Here's what I didn't like about the car, which of course, is only my opinion. It was the only company lease I ever turned in early. The car is cool looking but other than that, I was very unhappy with it.

1. I hated the blind spots.
2. Didn't like the way the engine shifted and the noise.
3. Not very roomy inside. It was okay for me (as I'm only 5') but my son (5' 6") hated it. No elbow room.
4. The cup holder SUCKS!!! It's a weird contraption (unless they've since changed it) and it was right at my elbow. I dumped a soda in the passenger seat (and almost several times after that.
5. I got hit in it twice in a month. One of those times, the person that hit me said they never saw it (it's small).

After that, I decided I didn't need to be a moving target. I turned it in and I wouldn't drive another one. JMO based on my own experiences.

This message has been edited by CJ on 01-25-2007 at 08:33 PM

ed monahanI was at the local dealer today about some repo info and I was talking to the sales manager. He asked if I knew anyone who wanted to buy a new Crossfire. They are getting 3 or 4 of them within the next week or so.
I told him that I heard they were really small inside. He said he cannot fit into a coupe and he is not quite as big as me. He also said he could only drive an automatic since his foot would hit the clutch and brake at the same time.
Anyway, he said they are offering killer deals on 06 Crossfires if anyone is in the market for one.
He said the yellow is the best seller and they are getting two yellow ones but he can get any color. I did not ask him the price. I have known him for years so I don't think he was just talking as a car salesman.
cnilejrNot a fan of the Crossfire Yellow. I prefer the prowler yellow. However, if it were the only yellow offered for the prowler, I would have "had" to buy it. I think yellow is the only color for a prowler. No offense to everyone else, just my personal opinion.

Crossfire yellow does look good on the new PT Cruisers though.

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