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Forum:Prowler Performance/Appearance Discussion
Topic:Tonneau Cover
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
CTProwlerDoes anyone own a Tonneau cover for their Prowler. There is one on ebay for $150. It seems like it might come in handy if you don't want to put the top up if you only leaving the car for short periods of time? How does it stay down? etc Opinions CTProwler



You might want to see this up close, I did, left something to be...

CJThis is one that has been discussed on the board before and some of the comments:

Here it is... looks like ...$@#% ..well you konw...

"I had one from the factory installed on my 2002 Porsche. It was a pain to put on and take off, required about 10 holes be drilled in the car in various places (including the dash) and flapped around at speeds above 50.

This design (from the tiny pictures) looks even worse. My vote is no."

"This still would not protect the mirror, etc. in case of rain. I only see it as a protection from sun and prying fingers while parked; otherwise, car cover is quick and covers the entire kat."

"You are correct, this type of cover is not to protect from rain. The cover may not even be waterproof. Most have a zipper so you can leave the passenger seat area covered while driving. Mostly to keep sunlight and dust/debrise from inside a convertible.

Like I said, I recently had one on a Porsche and it was a royal pain. Looked sorta cool but, nowhere near the effort or hassle."

Black Tie 161I have a Hefty trash bag that can look the same on the car!
Marty Usher
Originally posted by Black Tie 161:
I have a Hefty trash bag that can look the same on the car!

"OUCH !"

Gary CAfter a good rain you can clean the car with the saved water,,,,,
CTProwlerPoint Taken!!!!!!!!!I'm Taking Advantage of all your expertise!!!!!!!!!!CT


onaprwlNot taking up for anybody but I think if you look at it good it is only made to be used as a cover to keep your seats cool from the sun and insides dust free instead of having to put the top up every time you stop. I THINK it is sand filled around the ends that over hang the doors and trunk to keep it in place and it loops over the mirrors and head rests to stay in place.
Only problem with this is the only place to carry it is where the top is so if you have to open the trunk to remove it and then place it on. Seems it would be easier to just lift the top. JMO



This message has been edited by xpguy on 05-13-2004 at 06:55 PM

CTProwlerGuy was selling them on ebay, never bought one!! It would be alright for sea gulls! But if it rained it would fill up with water! Just didn't think i had a seagull problem here in northwestern CT!



This message has been edited by xpguy on 05-13-2004 at 06:55 PM


This message has been edited by xpguy on 05-13-2004 at 06:56 PM

obi-wanI have designed these types of units before and helped build them too. I have extensive knowledge in this area. To Properely make and install this in a Prowler is a major undertaking. I believe it can be done but it's not cheep or easy. Keep in mind here I'm talking a proper one here with little or no mod's to the vehicle. and the mods must not be seen when done. It's an undertaking to say the least. It's on one of my lists and maybe some day I'll address it. Be careful out there if your going to buy one or get one made. It' quire a project. Obi-Wan
Randy CobbChuck -

Pollen is kind of heavy here in NC this time of year, so if I drive mine to work I don't want pollen all over the interior.

I tried different things, but the best alternative I've found is a lightweight car cover. It stores neatly in the trunk and I can lay it on the hood, roll it out and walk away in less than a minute. This cover reflects the sun and is waterproof. It was pricey (approx. $400), but works great as a travel cover also. I got it from a foreign car parts/service shop locally. I don't remember the name of the manufacturer, but I can look it up if you or anyone else is interested.


cnote6I would think I could put the top up faster than trying to put this cover on. fist you would have to find the front and go from there, think about finding the front to your car cover?


CTProwlerWhat a site!!!My question was from Dec 2002 and i'm still getting replies!!!I scrapped the tonneau cover idea long ago!!


Randy CobbChris:

I roll the cover up the same way each time (back to front) and to make it "idiot proof" I took a permanent marker and put a small F for front, B for back, D for driver's side and P for passenger side on the bottom edge of the cover. This cover is very lightweight & is not near as thick or as cumbersome as the OEM cover. Taking the front bumpers off makes putting the cover on/off even easier.

Also the cover protects the whole car and not just the interior.

I'm a tall guy and I find it a little hard getting in & out with the top up, so 90% of the time the top is down. If it rains or if I'm traveling I put the top up, but other than then it stays down. I use the cover when it's pollen season, when I park it in the garage (dust) or when I travel (morning dew, bird droppings, tree sap, etc.). I think I save a lot of detailing time by using the cover also.

I guess everyone has their own system depending on their their lifestyle or use of their kat, but this seems to work for me.



This message has been edited by xpguy on 05-13-2004 at 06:56 PM

Black Tie 161Don't forget the value of a 5 dollar fitted sheet from Target...LOL.

Works great! And quick to put on and off.

xpguyBT you are not far off. Here is how mine came out. Works in a pinch and will definitely keep the interior clean and cool. Less than $50. Best of all made by Cat's Canvas in Pacific Beach.

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