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Topic:Tulsa 2007 Logo/Shirt Design
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareI drew this up for the Tulsa 2007 event. It has not been colorized yet and is still a little rough. I prefer Polo Shirts for events but this design is probably more suited for a T-Shirt. I have a few ideas for a slogan and I will post later. I need to find out what color the 57 Plymouth is. The Prowler will be Purple. Sorry but Artist's perogative. Does anyone know where I can get shirts made up. Dan Pena possibly?

The banner behind the Prowler says:

Tulsarama 2007
1957 Plymouth
Buried 50 years
June 16, 2007

This message has been edited by BeWare on 02-08-2006 at 01:44 PM

ed monahanRich, I thought I saw something that the car is white and gold or gold and white, not sure which is the dominent color. That may not be correct, either way but I seem to remember something in one of the articles.
GenoTexCOOL Design Rich... glad to see you have again picked up the pen

catfishmake sure the prowler is purple.


Originally posted by ed monahan:
Rich, I thought I saw something that the car is white and gold or gold and white, not sure which is the dominant color. That may not be correct, either way but I seem to remember something in one of the articles.

You are correct ED. I just went back and read the article again. Thank You. From the photo it looks like the car is gold with a white top and side insert. Now I just need to find the correct shade of gold for a 57 Plymouth.

This message has been edited by BeWare on 02-08-2006 at 01:49 PM

Wayne FinchLooks great Rich.
Dave Millsnice looking shirt Rich. I like the layout. I am not sure if I have the 57 paint codes or not, but I will check.
SimonsezGreat Rich. T-shirt cartoon drawing like you are doing plus a nice golf shirt with just type. You are always are a step ahead anyway.
MDProwlerUse the whole design on a t-shirt but just the Prowler on the Polo shirt with the event name. The polo shirts can be embroidered all the kat colors.

BTW I'll buy two of each!

This message has been edited by MDProwler on 02-08-2006 at 08:42 PM

ed monahanIf you do not put the POA name on the shirt, I would bet you could sell a ton of shirts to the other folks there. GREAT momento. Cool drawing, cool car, cool folks. A total winner.
SuperKatI am now looking for the new Good Grief tire brand.
Love the shirt design.
ALLEY CAT http://www.diecastmuscle.com/store/Makes/Plymouth/Fury/FMB11E027

http://www.diecastmuscle.com/store/Makes/Plymouth/Fury/FMB11E027?sh owPic=/images/franklinmint/fmb11e027.jpg

This message has been edited by ALLEY CAT on 02-09-2006 at 07:13 AM


Cool design! My brother's best friend owns a screen printing shop here in OKC. I assure you that his quality is top notch, and being a family friend, his prices will be unbeatable...not to mention we won't have to pay shipping since he's local! I'm likely gonna trailer my Prowler behind my Expedition so I can haul extra stuff like shirts...so just let me know if that sounds good.

ChromerShould be MEAN looking '57...Christine like..mad it's getting rooted from the underworld?

Nice start!

ed monahanRich, yeah maybe take the passenger seat out, also. lol
IM IN XTCwow my post was pulled ..... what's up big mike?????? someone didn't like what I had to say wow what happened to that freedom of speech amendment ...
IM IN XTCsorry it was on the other post ... really confusing guys can we keep the posts together so that my left brain doesn't have to work so hard
Bcoffman Gray GhostConfucious say: "Man who make stupid remark is wise to DELETE"
Originally posted by Bcoffman Gray Ghost:
Confucious say: "Man who make stupid remark is wise to DELETE"

.... almost like telling the jury to 'disregard that last remark' though

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