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Topic:Update on 2015 POA Calendars
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
xtreme prowlerI want to thank all you guys who have been waiting for their calendars for being so patient... I have had a number of setbacks in the process and have managed only to get 48 calendars shipped so far. I have had problems with my computer, my email server, and Paypal that took some time to resolve. I have also had a number of personal issues along with employment issues that have caused everything I am doing to be disrupted.

I am going to regroup and build the calendar to begin in Feb 2015 and run through to Feb 2016 so that everyone will get the full 12 months out of them.

Everyone that wants one will get one, I haven't given up, I just need more time to do it right.

Sorry guys and gals... I hope you will forgive me, family, health and work cannot be ignored..

Thanks and have a safe and Merry Christmas


enzvoyDON'T WORRY JIM.I can wait
Hey Jim, This is my third year getting POA calendars from you. My friends love them. I gave out all 30 of them....and could use another 10.

Now it's time to send some money into POA.

Take care my friend. Your doing an AWESOME job.


ransom1945 Hi Jim,

Thank you for ordering 10 more. That will make 40 for 2015. Have an AWESOME 2015. Ransom

This message has been edited by ransom1945 on 01-11-2015 at 10:16 PM

BeWareI never got around to sending pics but can I still order some 2015 calendars?
xtreme prowlerThanks for being patient guys... I spent some time on them Yesterday for the first time in a while... Been through a couple months of hell... work, home, family, and am starting a new business so any time I get is rare...my email problems didn't help the situation. There is going to be some shipped out this week and I am hoping to get the rest finished up by the weekend... The ones I do from now on will start in Feb and go through to include next Jan... The free shipping in the US is only good for 4 or more... For those that committed on the 3 to get free shipping you will get 4 calendars for the price of 3 as its cheaper for me to eat the cost of 1 free calendar that pay shipping for 3.... I promice to get everyone a calendar that wants one, I just need a bit of time... email me your photo Rich, I will take care of it for you... Thanks, Jim

This message has been edited by xtreme prowler on 01-12-2015 at 01:30 PM

Blue TieJim, thanks for all your work on these calendars. I sent you an email with my order. Did you receive it?


xtreme prowlerGot your email Frank... reply sent.... I'm working on them today and tomorrow... my goal is to finish it up by Sunday night..
xtreme prowlerI did manage to get a few more done by the weekend, within the next couple days I will get the rest of the second 50 lot completed so it looks like I will need a third 50 lot to get the last few done.... I am waiting now to get payment for some of the oders I have placed already before I can dish out another $500 of my own money to keep this ball rolling... Thanks, Jim
enzvoygot mine, thanks again Jim, great job
BeWareI sure hope you don't get stuck with any unpaid for orders. Thanks for doing these. Next year and assuming you do them again I will not get my order in at the last minute like I did this time. It was very considerate of you to still take my pictures and order so late.
xtreme prowlerThanks guys... everything is good, everyone has paid ... I totally dropped the ball this year, unforseen events seemed to snowball on me... so the plan to get everone their calendars early have me still trying to get them done at the end of January.... The saving grace is that everyone understood and was/is patient... For those still waiting, hang in there... I'm taking a vacation day tomorrow from work to do a bunch of stuff that has been in need of attention...Calendars are on the list

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