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T O P I C     R E V I E W

VIPER SOLE SURVIVOR, is set to premiere on SPEED this Friday March 15 at 8PM with,,,,re-airs at 11PM and Saturday (check your local listings for times).

Click here for at the exclusive trailer:


garysssLets be careful out there snake boys. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d_cowwf8p6E&NR=1&feature=endscreen
ALLEY CATA driver needs to know his limitations,,,,,and the car's..
Marty UsherThe Viper's have SOOOO much torque and some driver's aren't experienced enough to handle it when one starts to flip ends. I know I don't have enoungh experience, I flipped ends with my Proweler on I-65 in rush hour
ALLEY CAT,,,, "I flipped ends with my Proweler on I-65 in rush hour ,,,,"

Garysss did the same once,,,, but it was on a ice packed surface, lol

garysssI was driving a 200sx to work one night doing 65 on the highway, when a bridge had ice on it. I did 3 360's and was facing the right way when straighten up. I thought I was going to die.LOL I just kept driving down the road. If anyone was watching, they most likely thought it was cool, but just dumb luck.

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