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Topic:Valet Key
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
DrillinUCan anyone assist me.

I went to my Local Chrysler Dealer Parts Dept., to get a valet key for my car which I never got from the previous owner. They said they can not make one, only way is to go to a Locks Smith.

Anyone know other ways of getting a valet key done for the car?

Thank you

DrillinUApparently the Idiot at the Dealership in the Parts Dept does not know is work. Just called a different Dealership and they said I must come in and provide proof of ownership and they will go in to the Chrysler database on the internet and retrieve KEYCODE for the key, cost is $25 and I can take that to a Locks Smith.

Chrysler calls the key as "Accessory Key" and it's a special database they need to get in to get these.

This message has been edited by DrillinU on 11-13-2012 at 03:55 PM

JeraneWAfter owning my Kat for over ten years, I have had no need for a "valet" key. What am I missing here? I would never let a parking attendant park my Kat. At a dealership, I would remove everything from my "glove box."
DrillinUWhen I go out and i take the Prowler, I don't park the car on the streets, I valet the car. I do have things that I would like to put in the glove compartment so the Valet person does not have access to it.
After 4 Chrysler Dealership, I found a knowledgeable person in the Parts Dept. ( Even Chrysler themselves could not find this out, they gave me a case worker for this)

He told me that the key is cut the same, but the Valet key has a grove on it which make it a different key. So if you want to get a Valet Key order Valet key and take your original key and have it cut.
Attached is a diagram I got from him

alrtgYes, the Valet key has a difference in the groove (or a lack of one) to make it so the blank won't actually fit into the cylinder. (Some other vehicles use different methods)The ONLY cylinder the valet key will not work on your Prowler should be the glove box. It should work the doors and ignition.

Take your key to a LOCKSMITH shop and ask them to make you a Valet key from your original key.

DO NOT go to a hardware store or somewhere else that "makes keys". Make sure it is a competent, qualified Locksmith shop.

Look around and see if they advertise being a member of the local Locksmith Association or ALOA (Associated Locksmith's of America). If they proudly display either of these, they will likely know what they are doing.

If the person gives you a confused look and says anything like or , go somewhere else.

Although automobiles are not my specialty, I do know enough to offer this advice.

I am an ALOA Certified Professional Locksmith and have earned my living as a Locksmith for about three decades now.

This message has been edited by alrtg on 11-15-2012 at 04:27 PM

DrillinUThank you, alrtg
Originally posted by DrillinU:
Thank you, alrtg

No Problem.

Should you (or anyone else) have a OE type trailer and are at an event that I am attending, I can re-key the trailer to match your ignition key while you watch.

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