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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:Welcome the 300th million American
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
heynow14Scheduled to be born Tuesday 10/17/06. WOW! My guess is that the baby will be born somewhere in Arizona to proud parents who are here illegally. I'm sure A/C will throw a BIG party and shower our newest American with gifts, money and lodging. Hell, he may even become a Godfather to the child. Way to go A/C!
ALLEY CATRobert - they predict that baby will be born to an illegal, hispanic, unwed, teenage mother >>> no surprise there.

Soon after the birth,,,Arizona is deporting them to Michigan,,so you'll be able to support both baby and mother on your tax rolls hablar espaņols

Only in America!

heynow14Does that mean you don't want to be the Godfather?
ALLEY CATJust got the word today,,,,,the 300th million is most likely crossing the border tonight! Having said that,,and it being true,,,,Robert, you'll have to change this thread's title. It was to be the 300th million AMERICAN,,,,,,,,not NO illegal alien!!!
heynow14What, the National Guard let another one slip by? Oh, thats right, they're all in Iraq protecting that nation from terrorists infiltrating into Iraq. But, don't worry A/C, Bush say's its ok to leave our borders open.
ALLEY CATRobert - you are right about Bush's thoughts on the border,,sad to say. We need more Congressmen like J.D.Hayworth and that Rep. from Colorado,,,then we'll get the wall built. Bush probably figures that nobody is stupid enough to walk across a desert in 130 degree heat without water, to get here. Hell,,,I'll bet you figured it out and came across at night,,,,during the winter months?,, lol.
heynow14Bush just figures he can hire them as cheap labor to build his pResidential library. If he builds a wall he may have to pay higher wages to those greedy American union workers.
ed monahanWhere would Teresa and Mr. Kerry be without all that cheap labor?

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