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Topic:What are they worth?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
BeWareI have some of the original and extremely rare Prowler Tee Shirts. Most have never been worn and most are in the originals plastic bag though they have been opened. Does anyone have any idea what they might be worth? i am considering selling them.

Shirt # 1. Lee T-Shirt L. On the front is both a front and an side angled view of a Purple Plymouth. On the top it has the Plymouth Prowler script over a grey Panther. On the rear of the **** is a rear view of the Purple Prowler

Shirt # 2 Lee T-Shirt L. Is identical to shirt number one except it says Cruisin' Prowler at the top and "Either you get it or you don't" at the bottom of the Prowlers.On the back under the Prowler rear view it says. If you don't that's fine with us"

Shirt #3 Jerzees Tee shirt L. Is nearly Identical to shirt number 2 except the side angled view Prowler is Yellow. I says Either you get it or you don't on the front but has no writing on the back under the rear Purple Prowler View

Shirt #4 Fruit of The Loom Tee Shirt XL. The front of the shirt is identical to shirt # 3 and there nothing on the back of the Tee Shirt. This shirt has been worn but only once or twice at the most.

I have some others as well but these are the most rare. So they will give ma an idea as to theirs and the others might be worth.

idiveI got #1 but didn't know it was so rare. Worn it several times.
carguybillI'd suggest that you put one on e-Bay with a starting bid as low as you can stand and no reserve. The market will let you know what it's worth. I'm guessing you would get more $$ this way than on sites like this because e-Bay is a much bigger market. FWIW


CJ#2 was the original/first Prowler t-shirt that included the statement that Bob Lutz made at the introduction of the concept Prowler at the North American Auto Show.

#1 was the same shirt (and the second one) but without the statement.

#3 was the third shirt done when the yellow Prowler was introduced.

This message has been edited by CJ on 08-05-2012 at 08:40 PM

BeWareThanks CJ, it helps to know that these were the first three Prowler tee Shirts offered. I am still thinking over if I want to sell them or not.

Carguy, if I decide to sell that is probably a good idea but I may give people on the POA the first chance.

JeraneWMy favorite is the introduction of the 2001 Black Tie edition; "Shall we dance" on the front with a bow tie and two cocktail glasses. On the back, "Prowler" "Black Tie Edition" with a Black Tie Prowler. O course, I am biased.
Originally posted by JeraneW:
My favorite is the introduction of the 2001 Black Tie edition; "Shall we dance" on the front with a bow tie and two cocktail glasses. On the back, "Prowler" "Black Tie Edition" with a Black Tie Prowler. O course, I am biased.

I have this one as well along with many other versions of Prowlwer Tee's

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