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Topic:What brand of child safety seat
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
jkprowlinAnyone use a child safety seat (front facing) in your Prowler? If so, what brand do you use, and is there a tether anchor ?

I have a 14 month old, and want to take him with me when out in the Kat.

Of course, need to make sure the pass-side airbag is off !!!

Many thanks

HowardHere is an article concerning car seats.
chasmccartI have used a Cosco Alpha Omega car seat for my daughter. I have a teather anchor in my 2001. She was about 14 months when I took her for her first ride. I think there was a recall on teather anchors. For my older ones (3 and 5 years old) I use a Graco Turbo booster seat from WalMart.

Are you going to New Hampshire for the White Mountain Cruise on Saturday?


This message has been edited by chasmccart on 10-11-2005 at 10:03 AM

idiveDrop me an email... I know a lady that is working for Illinois State assisting in proper picking and installing properly child safety seats. I can forward your email on to her.

Where is the tether anchor located in the 2001? How well did this seat fit ? We have the Britax Marathon in our civic and truck, but it is quite large and with the deep seats in the kat, I don't think it fits well...

Also, anyone out there with a 2002 know if the passengers seat has the "latch-lock" system, and if so, anyone know if if DC made a "latch-lock" for prior year models?

I won't be attending the White Mountain cruise on Saturday. I'll be celebrating my and my mothers b-days.. and looks like the weathers not gonna cooperate. There saying 7" more down your way .... 6 or so up here, as well as the mountains.. Parts of Plymouth were underwater after the last soaking...


The tether anchor is a small square loop that sticks out below the passenger seat shoulder harness spool. You have to pick the back of the top up to see it. The Cosco seat fit fine. I only used it once though. I take the older ones (3 and 5) with me more often and use the Graco Turbo booster seat.

The White Mountain Cruise has been rescheduled to the 30th.
It is a Sunday and I hope you can make it.


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