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Topic:Whats with all the brand new 01' & 02' Kats on E-bay?
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Racer XIs it me or has anyone else noticed a sudden flood of BRAND NEW 01'& 02' Prowlers on E-Bay? Is there a new rebate on them or something?

****Formerly C5 Frank****
01' Plymouth Prowler Silver
94' Mustang Cobra
00' Trans Am WS6 Ram Air
02' Excursion 4x2 Diesel

This message has been edited by Racer X on 05-24-2003 at 02:23 PM

CTProwlerIts summertime. Maybe they have been sitting around for a year or two, and its time for them to go? They might have been holding on to them to see how far up the price would go? I'm sure there is more than one reason, with each dealer.


YellowFeverThey are probably tired of floorplanning them and realizing it's going to be a very long time till folks are willing to pay $55-65-75K for a new one of these (much less sticker) as they did a few years ago.
Northern CatLooks like just a bunch of people who just don't get it


tinyI think most of these have been pruchased and "held on to" trying to make a buck. They should hold on to them a bit longer though. To early to cop a big profit. Anyhow, wouldn't part with mine! I'd say in a year or so our Cats are gonna be novelties and we'll get offers. Hell, I've been getting offers here in my neighborhood. A friend down the street has a year old T-Bird and drools over my Cat. Offered me 50K about 3 months ago. Not a chance. My license plate says "VYGRA" and it sure is!

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