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Forum:Prowler Performance/Appearance Discussion
Topic:Windshield Replacement...
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
YELLER CATOn the way to Prowlin' the Keys, either when we were caught in a Hail Storm or following a Gravel Truck, the Yeller Cat's windshield was broken...

This shows a special cutting tool used to cut through the adhesive... this windshield in glued in place...

Out comes the cracked windshield... a two man job for sure...

Preparing to install the new windshield... extra sealer to insure a tight, leak-proof fit. Also note the interior dash / instrument panel had to be removed too...

Applying the windshield adhesive...

Setting the new windshield in place... NOTE the huge suction cups, again a two man job...

Start to finish... about 90 minutes! I am glad it is all over and Thankful for the windshield professionals @ Charlie's Glass in Pompano Beach who specialize in exotic vehicles. Their experience and attention to detail was evident, even though this was their first Prowler, everything went without a single problem.

Thought you would like to see what is involved if your Cat ever get hit in the windshield.


This message has been edited by YELLER CAT on 06-05-2003 at 08:53 PM

Blue KatWoops! Nasty crack, but it looks like they did a good (and careful) job for you . . .
ALLEY CATNOTE: To Jay and all the rest of the readers.

If you will notice that the main glass tech here is wearing latex glooves. Dateline or PrimeTime did a segment on this topic one night and said to avoid any glass dealer installing a windshield who doesn't wear latex glooves. Something about the body chemicals on the glass,,,not allowing full adhesion to take place and the windshield might blow out during low speed accidents or high speed severe bumps in the road.

Jay - glad they did your's right.

thedqmanGlad the windshield is fixed, get that car back together again SOON!!! looks like there are parts of it all over the place! Best Regards Mike

This message has been edited by thedqman on 06-06-2003 at 02:12 PM

ed monahanAll windshields are GLUED all the way around otherwise you will have an air leak at some speed. Trust me on this one.
lavkaI have a rock chip "bullseye" that I had repaired instead of replacing the glass, mainly because I'm afraid the glass techs would damage the car more when replacing the glass. I've seen some really crappy glass replacement jobs where the area around the window was all scratched up.
It's hard to find somebody you can trust to do this right. I'm glad you did Jay.
YELLER CATSUGGESTION... to anyone that may have to have a windshield replaced, make sure the installer "double" or "triple" tapes around all of the windshield frame to prevent any scratching from the tools being used to "cut" the adhesive seal. You will note from the pictures the "blue" tape that was installed prior to the removal process.

Best wishes, Jay

Black Tie 161Wow. thanks for the pics Jay. It looked like a first class procedure going on there.

This could be a very valuable thread for many!

PaulExcellent shots and advise, Jay. Thank you!
GenoTexJust a 'curiosity' type question.. which everyone else must know because no one else asked.... but why was the engine side panel removed for a windshield job?


YELLER CATNow for the rest of the story... inquiring minds want to know. Here is the picture of the Yeller Cat the day the windshield was replaced...
As you can clearly see, the engine side panel has been removed along with a few other parts... mostly Yellow ones!

Prior to the broken windshield I was planning to polish the front suspension. When the windshield thing happened, I parked the Cat, ordered the windshield and began the polishing routine. When the windshield arrived I had not finished the polishing and the engine side panel and other parts were off during the photos.

Here is a couple of the polished components...

The windshield was installed a long time ago and I am finally putting it all back together... 100 ft. lbs. is tough sitting down...

Hopefully I will have the Yeller Cat back on the road this weekend. This was truly a class project... but well worth the time and efforts of many.

Now, aren't you glad you asked why the engine side panel was removed?

Hope to see y'all Prowlin' soon, Jay

Originally posted by YELLER CAT:
ow for the rest of the story... inquiring minds want to

I don't know if you can do that job your self jay. As i can see you don't even know how to wear your glasses right.. every one stay off the road for a few days just to make sure he has the bolts in the right hole...

ALLEY CATFixee - I'm thinking that Jay had Nancy do all the torque procedures,,,,,,he looks to feeble to have enough strength.
GenoTexYes I AM glad I asked and thanks for the pics Jay... nice! Your efforts already pay off... gorgeous shine!

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