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Topic:Won a Trophy, Lost a Trophy, Same Day
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Ken & Roslin RomainFriday night Jim Bell and I went to a local car show in Garden Grove, Cal. Normally about 125-175 cars show up every week. We also ran into Rick & Coral Moore, fellow Prowler owners at the show. We were put in the sports car Class for trophies. Included were a couple of Cobras, Vipers,T-Birds, and assorted other sport cars. Guess who won the first place trophy. You got it, ME. Unfortunately while paying attention to the raffle, with the trophy at my side, someone decided they deserved it more them I did, and when I turned around, it was gone. All in all, it was still a good time. Looking forward to seeing some of you in July for Mequiars & TGF tours. Ken (OC PRWLR)
halicatIt was the Ford guys...
It is the only way they can get trophies for the T-birds..

pumpkinsick people.

meancatKen I just seen little Ronny Behr with a big trophies in another post,Are you sure he didn't take it?(SOUNDS LIKE SOMETHING HE WOULD DO.)


PiddlerWhat a shame, well glad it was a good time.
You know who won, thats all that counts.
SimonsezI had a similar expierence. I won a trophy and had a man and his wife tell me I didn't deserve it. As I was leaving I stopped the Prowler in front of them and walked over and put the trophy on the front seat of their car and drove away. The expressions on their faces were "priceless". I have never been sorry for doing it.
Jim CAgree with pumpkin...
BeWareWe have never had a problem, however we never compete in a class that will pit us against classic hot rods or customs. We always compete in a special interest, late model or other unique class. Some of the shows we enter even have a Prowler class. For anyone to steal your trophy is really low class.
CJCongratulations!......but, WOW, people are something else... jealousy is a very unpleasant thing......
99prowler99That is classic Simonsez. I would have loved to see the look on their faces. Some people just have no class. Great Idea!!!
FeralKen, What is wrong with people? How rewarding would it be to have a trophy in your house that you KNOW you don't deserve? In a way, it's fitting that the bast*rd has to live with a icon that reminds him on a daily basis that his car doesn't measure up. If he were caught and I was a judge, I'd make him wear it around his pathetic neck 24/7!

Anyway Ken, I admired your car in San Diego and the judges were right in picking it.

Hope to join you soon at one of the Irvine shows!

(By the way, I haven't given up on finding a source for the products. Its just the company in Moorpark turned out to be retail. I'll have a contact in China soon)


ed monahanI am glad you are not in Mt. Dora, FL or else I would be suspecting 392Hemi stole your trophy. He claims they won one the same day. Coincidence, hmmmm. http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum1/HTML/014827.html

This message has been edited by ed monahan on 05-16-2006 at 11:12 PM

KroooozerI know a guy into Corvettes and he told me that one guy was that pissed off that he didn't win a trophy when he thought he deserved it he bought his own trophy on the way home......can you believe it.
nitrosteveHi Ken,

I tried to send a PM but it said you aren't registered! Are you going to the show in Garden Grove this Friday? Do you have any of the chrome trans covers left, if so how much?


GenoTexSteve..when trying to pm Ken it shows his name as "Ken [AMP]".... which for some reason doesnt translate over to an actual 'ampersand' when you send a pm... just click on his 'pm' box, then in the 'to' address that shows up , change the [AMP] to an "&" and then it'll go .

This message has been edited by GenoTex on 05-17-2006 at 01:55 PM

Ken & Roslin RomainHi everyone. I just want to thank all of you for sharing my story with me. It kinda sucks, but that's life. It's not the first trophy, and probably won't be the last ( I hope) Several of us our going back this Fri. I'll keep you posted. Thanks again. Ken (OC PRWLR)
Originally posted by Simonsez:
I had a similar expierence. I won a trophy and had a man and his wife tell me I didn't deserve it. As I was leaving I stopped the Prowler in front of them and walked over and put the trophy on the front seat of their car and drove away. The expressions on their faces were "priceless". I have never been sorry for doing it.

Outstanding! I would love to have seen their face.

I took the Prowler to a small local show last year but I arrived late so I could not enter. The judges waved me around so I could park with the rest of the entries even though I wasn't participating.

It didn't take long before I was glad I had not entered the show. I was polite and complimenting everyones cars and all but one guy ignored me and the Prowler. The crowd on the other hand all hovered around the car. It was as if it was the only car in the parking lot.

When I left I pretty much decided I didn't want to go to a car show with the Prowler again. The crowd loved it but the other car owners hated my guts. That is just sad..

nitrosteveThanks Geno,

That is good info to have and it worked perfectly.


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