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Topic:Words of Praise for Earnhardt Chrysler (AZ owners take note!)
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
prowlrmanI have to give Bill Zeman and Earnhardt Chrysler in Tempe, AZ. a few words of praise, especially after reading so many posts about fellow Prowler owners tales of woe at other dealers across the country. My 2001 Black Tie was running out of factory warranty on Tuesday, Nov. 11. I had a list of the typical Prowler ills on my car along with the ball joint recall, which I was hesitant on getting done until I heard of others having success. So on Monday I called the dealer and asked for Bill, told him I was running out of warranty, and he said "bring it right in". I just picked up the car today and look at all the things he handled for me:

Replaced both front rims (Chrome was peeling)
Replaced both hood prop rods
Replaced both front leaking shocks (Glad to say with Koni's instead of the "leakers" that Chrysler changed to in 2001)

All handled with a SMILE! Bill also signed me up for the Max Care warranty so I have another 4 years and 65,000 miles worry free (hopefully) My Car currently has only 5,000 miles on it.

So KUDOS to Bill Zeman and the tech who took such great care of my Black Tie! I thought with all of the negative incidences that have been posted here about other dealers, either doing work poorly, or refusing to warranty certain items (such as rims) it was time to post one thanking a dealer for a job well done!

Jim and Julie

Gary CNice to hear some positive words of great dealer, a dealership which works this way will be making people happy and bringing in new people all the time.


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contact Bill Pemberton at Woodhouse
ed monahanGood to hear some good news from time to time.
ALLEY CATBill at Earnharts is kind of new (virgin) at handling us local Prowler owners,,,,but we have one owner out front running the interference for us

Jim, glad to hear they took care of you over there in Tempe

Todd Cameronnot enough good dealers like this

2000 Black, 2001 Black Tie, 2001 Orange, 2001 Silver, 2001 Muholland

Gary CTODD, STICK AROUND FOR A WHILE, oops sorry for the caps

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