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Topic:You can run...but you can't hide!
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
TooHipCatYou never know when you're getting your picture taken.

pumpkinGreat shot
TooHipCat I was actually hoping that someone from the "Sunshine State" would recognize their kat!

I found a pic of my kat on the web...with some girl standing next to it I didn't even know.

God knows where I was at the time!


Gary C

Jesse's car, I took this at No problem last weekend

BradleyGHere he is at No Problem Raceway

Jessie is on the right.

TooHipCat Thanks for solving the mystery guys.
ed monahanBrian, you could have just looked at the Woodward number painted by Dr. Ru on the stripe and then looked it up. lol
Originally posted by ed monahan:
Brian, you could have just looked at the Woodward number painted by Dr. Ru on the stripe and then looked it up. lol

Man...you got better eyes than me Ed if you can see that number in the pic.

BradleyGOK... Here is his Avatar. Jesse (c-bigred). Got to meet him and his wife at the drag strip.

Brian, I don't know what is wrong with you young kids, I am old and blind in one eye and can still see the #056 in the pinstripe. You just gotta look close.

Originally posted by TooHipCat:
I was actually hoping that someone from the "Sunshine State" would recognize their kat!

I found a pic of my kat on the web...with some girl standing next to it I didn't even know.

God knows where I was at the time!


How did you explain that to Cindy?


Originally posted by BradleyG:

Brian, I don't know what is wrong with you young kids, I am old and blind in one eye and can still see the #056 in the pinstripe. You just gotta look close.

You're kidding me Brad...right? I can't see a number in the pic posted above.

Originally posted by chasmccart:
How did you explain that to Cindy?

You think I'm foolish enough to save that pic...don't answer that!

Kruisin KatCharlie, You and I need to track down that picture, I need $$ for some more mods. LOL!
BradleyGSorry Brian, I forgot that you have a 97 Purple Prowler. Only Woodward and Black Tie owners can see the numbers from a distance. But since you have a handicap, you could either go to the Drag Strip and ask him like I did OR you could look in the owners registery and if you forget what number Jesse told you, again... like I did. Gotcha!!!

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