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Topic:You gotta have one of these....and help support P.O.A
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

....This spectacular print with just the cars is now available to order.
It is poster size 16x20 and for those that attended the event will agree it is possibly one of the nicest Prowler posters yet.
Our photographer Nation Wong will donate $10.00 from every order to the P.O.A.
We have to have a minimum of 10 orders to make this possible.Mine is already framed hanging in the office and I've never gotten more positive comments from a whole variety of people!

They are $59.00 U.S and $8.00 shipping

To place an order,mail the check directly to
Nation Wong Studio
11 Carlaw ave Un#6
M4M 2R6

If you're going to Woodward in a few weeks,I can bring it for you there saving you shipping charges.
Prowlin'Canada logo will be added on the bottom of the print!

This message has been edited by DR PROWLER on 08-04-2004 at 11:37 AM

CTProwlerI'm in! Checks going out today. Come on people help support the POA! It took 4 hours to line up the cars and water down the area!!Nice Shot!!Toronto Skyline!!


This message has been edited by CTProwler on 08-04-2004 at 12:21 PM

Wayne Finch.....where did all the people go?????????????

Nice pic Nation

CJBought mine while we were in Toronto.
meancatGot mine, will have it hung while wife is gone.


CTProwlerWayne! I'm getting one with us in the photos also!!!


bbcarI found this Pic when I first found this site and was lookind around. I think it would make a excellent poster as it looks more like a piece of art than a photo.
ed monahanBBKing, I agree, that is probably the BEST picture of Prowlers I have ever seen. There are a lot of really great shots, but that one is special.
JKrehelHey Roman great shot and yes we'll take one! We're going to have it hanging in the museum along with the other group event photos that have been taken over the years. Really a nice set up on this one, great background!!

That's really great support for the site. Thank you!!

Is there one with and without people?

Originally posted by bbcar:

I'm not positive, but I believe this photo was taken after our 'group photo shoot' at the Crazy Horse Monument south-west of Deadwood, S.D. 2001 National Prowler Event, Deadwood, S.D.,,,,July, 2001


ed monahanA/C, I think that was during the race back to the hotel to beat the thunderstorm. We were on the motorcycle and long gone.
cmblockhusthat picture was taken in the redwoods south of San Francisco and was shot by John Davies Girl friend Patty Cakes,

JD tell me Im right



GenoTexI asked about a year ago... and that's what I was told also, that Patty took it...
ed monahanOkay, me and Alley Cat have both passed into the senility stage. It's official. lol
ALLEY CATEd and I stand corrected,,,,I think.

Ed, did they move the Redwoods to South Dakota? Sure looks nearly the same as the Deadwood photo. Its not often that Ed and I are wrong,,,,,we learned from the Fonz!

bbcarI liked that photo sooo much that I tried to have it blown up to as close to poster size as I could to frame it and hang it in my living room, but was told that without the origional photo I would not get acceptable results. I worked at St. Louis Car Museum for several years and I sold automotive art, and that photo IS art. I do not remember what thread I found that photo at,but there were several of these photos as the line of cars progressed.

This message has been edited by bbcar on 08-06-2004 at 09:21 AM

dpenaYes, Patty took that picture... It is all Norcal material baby!!

JD, is wrenching his little heart out getting ready for Woodward..


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