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Topic:black ice..
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T O P I C     R E V I E W

I live way to far north. I see why all the old folks moved to Florida.

SimonsezWe already have over 8" of snow (expecting 12") and it is heading for the Louisville/Nashville/Cincinnati area.
Originally posted by Gort:

I live way to far north. I see why all the old folks moved to Florida.

Come on down, Gort. We still have some room, especially after all the snowbirds go back north. LOL.

u00tjs2Even some of us YOUNG ones are here also! Yes, it is much better than the cold North. 75 and sunny in Bonita is much better than 8 and cloudy in Ft. Wayne, In.


mslc10How's that global warming working for you?

“Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.”
― Ronald Reagan

SILVRKATAnyone want to buy a nice big house on the lake here so I can move to FL?
Going on three years on the market and we have lowered the price three times. Now asking 25K less than I paid for it 5 years ago and 100K it upgrades.
tangled up in BLUE...last year we purchased a home in Fl....love it

...this morning there was a 69 degree DIFFERENCE between our two homes, hard to argue with those numbers

Originally posted by tangled up in BLUE:
...last year we purchased a home in Fl....love it

...this morning there was a 69 degree DIFFERENCE between our two homes, hard to argue with those numbers

When it is 105 degrees in Florida with a high humidity percentage, I'll settle for 78 degrees and low humidity where I am now.

I would love to be in a position to have the option where to live depending on the season.

tangled up in BLUE
Originally posted by alrtg:
When it is 105 degrees in Florida with a high humidity percentage, I'll settle for 78 degrees and low humidity where I am now.

I would love to be in a position to have the option where to live depending on the season.

...I'll be back in the Midwest this summer, too many car shows I go to
...hottest weather I have ever been in was at Carlisle Pa....111 degrees, over 100 all weekend, it was a rough car show, just sat and drank water

padrooI don't think the weather in Florida very seldom gets above 100 degrees.

How about it Florida people.

Originally posted by padroo:
I don't think the weather in Florida very seldom gets above 100 degrees.

How about it Florida people.

You are right, Padroo. It very rarely hits 100 degrees and that is in the Miami area at the very southern tip of Florida. In Bradenton where I live, they have never recorded 100 degrees in temperature since they have been keeping records. I have lived here 10 years and it has never gotten above 95 degrees in the summer. Now, the humidity level can be oppressive for those not acclimated to it, but after living here for a couple of years you will not notice it so much. After living 50 years in the snow belt near Cleveland, Ohio and dealing with the cold and snowy winters, I will take Florida weather anytime over what you have to endure every winter up north. Ask the people in Boston if they enjoy what they are having to deal with this winter. LOL.

mslc10Been in 95w 99% humidity in Tampa and it was way worse than the 106 we can see here in Alamo town. And it rains @ 3:00 everyday to make it even worse.

“Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.”
― Ronald Reagan

beachcatThis would be frustrating

From Eastern Canada

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