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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:fullerton ca.cops
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
catfishsaw photos of the guy they beat up,who died.they should all be immediately fired and arrested for murder,and put in prison for about 40 years.instead there on admin pd.leave.the mayor and others should follow for the inaction.this is a disgrace to all cops out there.theres something smelly in fullerton.


phil2237Fullerton is the next city over from us, the protests continue, Fullerton cops have a BAD rep around here as do the Brea Police.
ALLEY CATI don't know much, actually nothing, about this but here are 'several' video accounts, eye witnesses, news stories, etc. of the Fullerton incident:


phil2237I have to say, something is wrong here, The Chief of Police now takes a medical leave, They are being very quiet about the whole thing.

The one mistake the Fullerton Police made is the young man that died was also the son of a police officer, and the dad is making this big.
After viewing what they have showed, this guy was beat to death, sad part, it is NOT the first time Fullerton P D has been in the light. The day after he died, Fullerton offered the dad $ 900,000 to keep quiet, The dad who is a retired cop knows all the connections and is taking this all the way as he should. There will be a couple of cops going to jail over this. The Fullerton Police knew this kid very well, they knew he was not all there. Now they will pay, sad it's a little late. There are several Police departments here that are not on the up & up including Anaheim & Brea.......California has way too many crooked cops.

Someone let Tom Randall know there will be a Chiefs position open soon, He can move back here.

This message has been edited by phil2237 on 08-15-2011 at 06:52 PM

TLRandallPhil, I am staying put here in Texas, someone has to hold down the fort while our Governor becomes President!

I saw a little about this this afternoon. I hope those that did this rot in jail. They are not cops, they are animals hiding behind a badge. A real cop would have never thought of doing anything like that.

phil2237Many witnesses have now stated he was Tasered 6 times, Wouldn't once have been enough, He wasn't on drugs.

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