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Forum:Off Topic Discussion
Topic:gun ban in California
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gort http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015/02/18/gun-rights-groups-await-judge-ruling-on-california-microstamping-law/

no micro marking/no guns allowed

Chi_Town_ProwlerWOW!! THIS IS PRETTY BIG!!! Other states are looking at this and thinking, "Hmmmmm......"
Originally posted by Chi_Town_Prowler:
Other states are looking at this and thinking, "Hmmmmm......"

I would be willing to bet that only the states that are governed by or controlled by Democrats are looking at this an thinking, "Hmmmm.......". They're the ones that are hell bent on the Government controlling ever aspect of our lives including taking away our Constitutional rights.

Originally posted by Chi_Town_Prowler:
WOW!! THIS IS PRETTY BIG!!! Other states are looking at this and thinking, "Hmmmmm......"

I guess all the gang members will be turning in all their guns. Problem solved. I bet knife sales go up.

Originally posted by attyedhall:


phil2237They can vote , make bills for them to vote, but you will not take away peoples guns, California or not. When you buy ammo here , they copy your drivers license, & you must have a card that says you have passed a safety test. Even when you go to a gun shop here, you must show your card before you are allowed to handle a gun.

Now drive 250 miles to Arizona, You can find guns of all sorts at GARAGE SALES. No questions asked. If you live or own property in Arizona, you can buy a gun & take it home with you right away. California has a 10 day grace period before you can pickup a hand gun. So what good does California's law do if you can go to Arizona in a few hours & buy what ever you need. I own a house in Lake Havasu City Arizona. I can buy the same gun in Arizona for a LOT CHEAPER than I can buy the same gun here. Also you can carry a concealed weapon without any weapons permit. I just buy my guns & ammo there. California is now FINALLY issuing concealed permits for the first time due to law changes. It takes appox 2 years for your interview to get it though. There is talk in Congress, that if you have a permit from another state, The state you are in must honor it. California is fighting that one also.

California is a big joke on guns. They still believe the Bad guys will turn in their guns.
Every so often, The Police set up a table at a shopping center & trade guns for gift certificates or grocery credit cards. I have tears in my eyes when I see people giving them their guns. Some worth major money for a $ 100.00 certificate.
Only Fools give up their guns !

Originally posted by phil2237:
...I just buy my guns & ammo (in AZ)...

Hey Phil - we appreciate your business and we love the 2nd Amendment!

quincyNope, don't like it. Bad idea! Buy a revolver like a .38/.357 and pocket the spent shells!
alrtgHow's that go now?

Outlaw guns and only Outlaw's will have guns.

Yeah, that makes lots of sense.....NOT!

ed monahanHow come Obama says
"It isn't Muslims that are bad, it is the few EXTREMIST"
"ALL guns are bad, we need to take ALL of them away from EVERYONE". It is the guns themselves, not the screwed up 1/1000th of one percent that misuse them.

NOTE: Those aren't EXACT quotes. I paraphrased the idea"
I didn't change the meaning, just the words so I didn't have to look it up.

mslc10" come and take it"

“Republicans believe every day is the Fourth of July, but the democrats believe every day is April 15.”
― Ronald Reagan

Originally posted by ed monahan:
How come Obama says
"It isn't Muslims that are bad, it is the few EXTREMIST"
"ALL guns are bad, we need to take ALL of them away from EVERYONE". It is the guns themselves, not the screwed up 1/1000th of one percent that misuse them.

NOTE: Those aren't EXACT quotes. I paraphrased the idea"
I didn't change the meaning, just the words so I didn't have to look it up.

Thank you Ed.

phil2237Look at the countries that have banned guns, all the bad guys have them, Almost every country that has banned guns, have a higher crime rate, and are living at the mercy of their government.
Back when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor, they would have come all the way to the west coast , but didn't because they knew Americans were armed.
I will and have always supported gun ownership.
We lose our guns, we lose our freedom.
Dead End DonIt's getting ridiculous here in California!!!

My son just went to the gun show up in Ventura last week, and picked up the entry-level .223 S&W AR-15. Picked it up the other day, and called me from the range...

Apparently, there is no external magazine release allowed in California!!! Instead, there is a crappy little hole in the action, into which you are supposed to find/buy/create some kind of tool to fit inside to release the magazine.

I guess you can use the tip of a bullet, but as is typical with a brand new gun with tight tolerances, he had a shell fail to eject, and that's when he realized you can't just flip the lever and drop the magazine - you have to put the gun down, get a paperclip or something with the MAG STILL IN THE GUN, and release it before you can clear the jammed action.

Probably about the most un-safe thing I've ever heard of before....and the dumbest.

ed monahanposted by GarySSS

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