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Topic:j hooks
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Tommy MJust recieved Art Stoners J hooks for the convertible or hard tops. Piece is made very well, and might actually last a long time. Art is a true gentleman and businessman. Kudos to you Art.
meancatYes I must agree,As I have a set of two also and think everyone should have a set for a spear.So when the factory ones break(and they will) you will not be put out.And EZ to store.
Art and I have been talking quit a bit we're still trying to get he cholesterol lower.(you got to love them brand flakes)And Art keep eating them greens.(there good for you)


ed monahan
Originally posted by meancat:
And Art keep eating them greens.(there good for you)

Do pickles and olives count?

Originally posted by ed monahan:
[QUOTE]Originally posted by meancat:
[B]And Art keep eating them greens.(there good for you)

Do pickles and olives count?


I think the olives are OK as long as they're not in Martinis.

LeoI'm going to order a set.... I keep putting if off.
DUSTIYou gotta get those hooks - not only are they top quality made BUT just the fact that IF your stock ones break or wear out you will have to buy the COMPLETE ASSEMBLEY from the dealer, so IMO they WILL come in handy at some point - even if you just keep them in your 'spare parts drawer' !


CJBetter yet, keep them in your glove compartment!
Top KatI'm happy to see that others have discovered what I did.
Art is a gentleman, and offers a super product.

All bumpers removed, TGF Front Bumper Covers,Real Rod Roll Pan, Pearl Flames, TGF Hardtop, Polished & Chrome front suspension, under hood chrome accessories

Marc-Colo-99Recieved my hooks and they are extremely well made and durable. Nice piece of hardware Art! Plan to keep 'em in the glove box until needed for now but may just replace the originals and keep them in the car. Art's communications and shipping are top notch.
SILVRKATDitto...Quality Product and a super person to deal with.
Fat PatI agree with all of the above posts...mine are in the glove box only because Alley Cat told me that the stock ones "will break"!!

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