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Topic:largest aircraft in the world
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
Gortrussian of course

This is the airplane we copied to make thre C5a.

This message has been edited by Gort on 05-15-2014 at 10:31 PM

StingRayGonna be used by Obama when he and the Queen leave the White House with all the stuff ... ooops, meant their stuff!
Michael PondCan you imagine the cost to operate that thing. That's probably ther are only a couple in the world. Very impressive though. Russia also make a helicopter that is the largest in the world. Looks like an airliner body with 2 large outrigger rotors. Seems like its rotor span is over 200'.
Michael PondCheck out the mil v12 helicopter
alrtgAnd I thought the Spruce Goose was sorta big.

The posted photo came from this site: http://www.cnn.com/2014/01/20/travel/spruce-goose-museum/

This message has been edited by alrtg on 05-16-2014 at 04:37 PM

GortSpruce Goose only flew a few hundred yards ,barely off the water. I think it might be an experimental aircraft. It was a miracle it did that much, and it was empty of cargo.

This baby flies globally hauling unbelievable payloads.

Spruce goose was 219 ft long. The russian aircraft is 275 feet long.

This message has been edited by Gort on 05-16-2014 at 05:02 PM

JeraneWThanks for stirring up memories. My wife and I visited Evergreen Museum and the interior of the Spruce Goose. There are many other interesting pre and World War II planes there. It is well worth the trip for that experience.
alrtgI'm sorry but the Russian plane only has six engines.

It should have had eight engines like the American built plane.

I mean after all, eight is always better than six isn't it.

Me Time
Originally posted by Gort:
Spruce Goose only flew a few hundred yards ,barely off the water. I think it might be an experimental aircraft. It was a miracle it did that much, and it was empty of cargo.

This baby flies globally hauling unbelievable payloads.

Spruce goose was 219 ft long. The russian aircraft is 275 feet long.

The goose was an experimental craft that Howard Huges designed when the US was looking for alternate materials to build planes with. The goose made of plywood was one of those, HH wanted to prove it would fly and he did so one time just to prove his point. HH was a great man and mind, until he lost it of course.

Me TimeAs for that Russian plane, my thinking on this is they need huge transport options cause the roads around Russia still suck once your out of a city.
ed monahanI wonder what the range is on that big boy.
Originally posted by ed monahan:
I wonder what the range is on that big boy.


9569 miles at 575mph

Nuclear weapon size, Rockets,airplanes,helicopters,submarines,rifles (AK47),the Russians have the largest and the most reliable. The US has a long contract with the Russians to supply us with rocket engines.

http://modernsurvivalblog.com/terrorism-war/ori ginal-footage-of-the-largest-thermonuclear-weapon-ever-detonated-the-tsar-bomba/

Russians make a lot of good products but they've never learned how to build cars or maybe just don't see the need.

This message has been edited by Gort on 05-16-2014 at 08:53 PM

Greg and Veta
Originally posted by Michael Pond:
Russia also make a helicopter that is the largest in the world. Looks like an airliner body with 2 large outrigger rotors. Seems like its rotor span is over 200'.

Mil Mi-26 and the experimental V-12 come from my wife's home town of Rostov on Don in southern Russia. I've been there several times and seen some very large helicopters flying over head.

GortI saw some at the military academy in St. Petersburg. Russia is a hard working country full of people just like us,just trying to do what they can to succeed in life. We met a bunch of nice people.
beachcatthe Spruce Goose was just too expensive to feed!

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