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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:lower front ball joint question
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
outagasI have read a lot of posts on this forum regarding the front lower ball jt recall. I have a 2001 Prowler with just 3000 miles on it and I checked the Chrysler recall site and my Vin doesn't show if it's done.
After reading some of the posts of people who have had ball jt failure while driving, I became worried that mine may not have been changed. I saw a couple of different part #'s listed by some of the experienced people on this forum and there was some confusion as to what is the correct part # of the old ball jt and the new replacement ball joint.
I saw a pt# CBBTC030 listed as a replacement ball jt # and I also saw a pt# 21032X listed as a replacement part # on various posts over time.

I crawled under my prowler today and using a mirror took some photos of my right and left ball joint part #'s that were very crudely stamped on the bottom of the joints.
From what I can make out there are two possible pt#'s :
03235X & 03225X possibly a right and left part #??

I am posting the pics for all to see and for any one who has a comment on these pt#'s or pics. Do I have the correct ball jts and are they the replacement ball jts with the correct part #'s?

This message has been edited by outagas on 03-12-2010 at 08:52 PM

onecatnodogThis was a FREE factory recall and if your car was done it would be in there data base... Drop by the Dealer and have it done if it's not on the list.. I'm not sure about the Part number someone here surly will respond to help out.. Remember it's FREE Parts and Labor so if it was done and they didn't check it off make them do it again... How's that grill lookin? My car misses it... onecatnodog..
RPLThe lower ball joints with numbers ending in "X" are recall replacements. The other numbers identify when they were produced. The recent ones I purchased were ...4332X.

If you wonder is there are any outstanding recalls on a Chrysler vehicle that you own, you can check using the last eight digits of your VIN at:

outagasJohn, The grill looks great! I installed it while I was floundering around on the ground looking at the ball jts!
(killin' 2 birds w/ one stone) Here's a couple pics

Originally posted by onecatnodog:
This was a FREE factory recall and if your car was done it would be in there data base... Drop by the Dealer and have it done if it's not on the list.. I'm not sure about the Part number someone here surly will respond to help out.. Remember it's FREE Parts and Labor so if it was done and they didn't check it off make them do it again... How's that grill lookin? My car misses it... onecatnodog..

onecatnodogDang it looks better in your car than mine... Glad you are happy with the grill and I hope the E mailed instructions with pictures made it a easy swap... onecatnodog

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