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Topic:old gas stations
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T O P I C     R E V I E W
ed monahan http://hipspics.freewebspace.com/gas/gas.html
SirRealThose were the days my friend....

How I miss pulling into the old Gulf station running over the hose that rang the bell. Seconds later ole John Jordan would come out with a smile and asked if I wanted a fill-up. Naw just give me two dollars worth, that'll get me through the week. Then he would reach into the back pocket of his greasy work pants and pull out a greasy bottle of water and a rag and start going to town on the windshield. John was an artist when it came to cleaning the windshield and did it without a squeege. Then without asking, he raised the hood and checked all of the fluids.
All the while my $2.00 worth of low test was still pumping.

That station had the best drinking fountain in town. It was in the back of the lift next to the wall where I was sure that every fan belt for any car in the world was hanging. There was no fancy food mart just a well seasoned front room with a pre WW2 candy machine. The 5th Avenues were always fresh some how.

Back out to the car where John was finished pumping my gas and tellin' me I need some air in that right rear.
Do you remember when air was also free?

...we thought they'd never end.

Thanks ED for a trip down memory lane!

ed monahanIn the past week or two I spotted an air pump that accepted credit cards. I guess you can't be lugging all that cash around loose in your pockets.
bjprowlerMy best friend, Karl and I in 1964... at my dad's Gulf station...(we're still best friends a half-century later)

SirRealNow that's Cool! There's a whole lot of history in that pic and story.
bjprowlerHaircuts were flat tops with greased ducktails as I recall...

.....And I too, would love to hear the bell ring again when a car pulls up to the pumps....

padrooI bet there are some good stories from the good old days.
SuperKatCheck out Roadside Memories
The book was written by Chip Flohe who runs the Dixie Gas swap meet in Sevierville TN in April and Sept. Wonderful stuff.

During my college days, I worked one of my part-time jobs at a station like the above, except triple the size as it had 12 pumps, one person to wait on the customers (no self-serve in those days),,,and attending all 12 pumps going at times was a real challenge. $1 or $2 > gas only. $3 worth > clean their windshield. Fill up > clean all of the windows, check oil,,,,,, and all tires for air pressure (if time). Even had a vacuum cleaner on one island, and some would want their front carpet cleaned......I got smart fast, and would place a "self-service" sign on the vacuum during my shift so I wouldn't have to mess with the jerks. The gals,,,I'd vacuum their cars though,,,,,,, That vacuum had so much power,,,it could suck their panties off of them!!

Those days > regular was .33 and premium was .36 a gallon.
During gas wars,,,prices would drop 10 to 12 cents a gallon,,,once hitting $.11 per gallon for one day!
Cold winter nights in Nebraska were brutal, having to go outside and pump gas...remember one night the wind chill index was at minus -77 below. Large coffee pot inside station, sitting next to the glass window, couldn't even keep the coffee warm since the extreme cold was drawing the heat away from it.
Brutal,,,,I tell you,,,Brutal.


bjprowlerYep, I remember those cold, miserable nights well.....One night, during a downpour one of our regular customers pulled up to the pumps....He was well known to never buy more than a dollar's worth (he pronounced it "duller's worth") of our lowest grade gas (Gulftane) at a time. (He pronounced it "Guff-tane")

I waited as long as I could, but finally ran out to take care of him....As I approached the drivers side window he slowly cranked it down about an inch and a half and said those familiar words: "Gimme a duller's worth of Guff-tane"

I raced around to the back of his beat up 1960 lime green Plymouth Valiant and began pumping $1.00's worth into his tank (about 3 gallons) while the rain continued to drown me.....

I finally finished his order, replaced the cap and went charging up to the drivers window to collect.....By that time I was completely soaked from head to toe.....The window came down very slowly about an inch or so and he poked a one dollar bill out through the opening.

I grabbed the dollar and started running back to get inside when I heard him yelling "You forgot to give me my Top Value stamps!!!!!"


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