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Forum:Technical Questions & Answers
Topic:torque converter..HELP!!!!!!!
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2kprwlrPLEASE>>>I need some advice. I have posted a string on this problem recently. To review, please go to http://www.prowleronline.com/ubb/Forum2/HTML/001305.html
After some good input from several people, it came down to what sounded like a torque converter problem. I took the kat back in yesterday (9-8-03). The tech called me today and told me he felt sure it was the converter. He called DC and was told "not to touch it." They said the vibration I was feeling was "normal" and that even though it only started recently, that there was nothing they could do. My tech asked if they could just replace the converter...they still said "no!" According to my tech, the Prowler is one of the only cars he knows of that does not have the torque converter disengage when you take your foot off the gas. He is trying to see if there is a way to bypass that part of the program and let it disengage on decel. We have not tried balancing the drive shaft, but my tech does not think this is the problem. Also have not done high speed balancing of the wheels. He is going to check the up and down shift solenoids on the tranny today, but said if they were bad, it would go in to limp mode.
CJ, MIKE KREHL, NEAL...anyone!!! Please send your advice. I think I'm getting screwed here. I told the tech (and he agreed) that DC won't acknowledge a problem until a certain number of people experience it. Statistically, there are not enough Prowlers on the road to make any problems really stand out until almost all of us feel them.

Prowlin' Doc
2000 Prowler/1968 Morgan Plus4

jd2ksilverHmmm I'd ask for the paper that said not to touch it. If he can produce it, then I think you may have something. My guess is he can't.

Good luck.


nealI test drive prowlers all the time.this car has no vibration or shutter on decel at any speed.this is not a normal condition.if this is a normal condition all would have it.you may have to get another prowler owner to help out with a test drive at the dealer.they don't know what the problem is now they have got Chrysler involved.your car is still under warranty right. have them fix it.they are afraid to make a repair for fear it may be wrong and get backcharged from chrysler.let me know what happens
ALLEY CATneal - Once again, thanks for stepping up with an honest opinion.

Grant - It's time to take the bull by the horns. Keep us posted.

2kprwlrMy tech said he was willing to "fudge" things for me and find a way where he just has to replace the torque converter. I had him wait as I was hoping to find out how others had it repaired and got it covered. I am still under warranty (I have the full extended).

Prowlin' Doc
2000 Prowler/1968 Morgan Plus4

2kprwlrHi, Just spoke with the dealer (friend) who sold me the car. He and his brother also have a prowler and he agreed it was bulls--t. He said to just have the tech replace the converter and if problem still present then start diging.

Prowlin' Doc
2000 Prowler/1968 Morgan Plus4

2kprwlrJust spoke with my prowler tech...he says he took it out for a drive and thought that the vibration was getting even worse so they have ordered a new torque converter. It will take a week to get the part in.
I hope this fixes it.
I'll keep eveyone posted. I know how much I have learned from other's troubles.

Prowlin' Doc
2000 Prowler/1968 Morgan Plus4

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